Quick disclaimer:

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I wanted to let you guys know that although this story concept is an extremely personal one, I did however find inspiration from these two talented and amazing writers: allthesescars  and @disperks
and their ineffable pieces of work.
(Thank you so much for inspiring me you two ridiculously talented souls <3)

I also wanted to state that I have not copied  nor have I plagiarised anybody's pieces of work, anything that sounds similar to anyone else or any characters or events that resembles anyone in real life or other stories, is purely coincidental.

Thank you for reading till now if you have,
I hope you stick around to find out what happens next,
I  also hope you've been taking care of yourself,
Until the next update,
hope you find lots more reasons to smile about!
(Pssssst, here's three reasons
1. You're  alive
2. You've been blessed with eyesight to read this whole sentence!
3. You're educated enough to be able to read while so many others can't!
Isn't that something to be grateful for? )

(Pps: want to know what I'm grateful for right now?
I'm grateful for you, yes YOU reading this right now !
Because for every viewer, commenter, and reader I get
It motivates me a little more to keep writing even when I feel like nobody will ever pay my work much notice.
The little things I feel, make the biggest of impacts in a persons life sometimes.
So thank you, for dropping by, and reading till now if you have!
You're awesome!
I appreciate you!!
And I'm so grateful for your existence (:

Lots of love,

drafted thoughts (30 Days Challenge/CPN)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz