Valentine's Day

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Taken from my story Antagonist.


Even though it was February, the weather was colder than it should be. Walking down the street, a brunette in his late teens sighed in disappointment, his hot breath condensing into the air, creating a white cloud that quickly disappeared in the wind. 

It was so cold, even when he was wearing two coats underneath. He had thought that a walk in the city would help clear his troubling thoughts, but in reality, it made them even worse. He hoped that the weather would turn sunny in the late afternoon. So far, it didn't look like the sun would shine through due to the heavy gray clouds that loomed in the sky.

His mind wandered off, ignoring the stabbing cold that pierced through his thick jacket. His mind was jumbled, the thoughts shooting here and there, making it impossible for him to focus and solve the problem in front of him. 

He loved a boy.

Yes, that's right. A boy.

A boy who had caught his attention on the first day they met.

His smile had brightened up the brunette's mood, breaking through the walls of his muddled mind. He hadn't cared when the brunette acted cold to him, just like he did to everyone else. Instead of pushing him away due to his attitude, the boy asked to be his friend

Nagito Komaeda. That was his name.

They had introduced themselves to each other after accidentally bumping into each other on the sidewalk.

His feelings started developing once they started getting closer and closer to each other. Every once a week, they would meet up and hang out together as.

But how the brunette felt about Nagito was more than just a friend.

He was head-over-heels for the albino.

A sudden vibration in his coat pocket snatched the boy away from his thoughts.

"Hello?" He asked.

A female's concerned voice answered from the other side.

"Good morning Hajime."

"Hey, Sonia. What's up?"

"My staff at my cafe suddenly fell sick, and now we're up to only six members. So can you do me a favor?"

"What favor?"

"Please help me with serving my guests. The cafe's going to be packed with people today due to Valentine's Day. If you're not too busy... can you lend your aid?"

Valentine's Day, huh. That time of year again. He had nothing to do, so, why not?


"Thank you so much! Noon sharp!"

The princess hung up. Hajime sighed. He thought that he could spend the day of love with Nagito, but his plans were now foiled. Oh well.

He checked the time. Eleven thirty. Maybe he should walk to Sonia's cafe just to kill time. He started along the streets, passing busy shops and couples along the way.

Warm hands suddenly wrapped themselves from behind Hajime's head, closing his eyes so he couldn't see.

He stiffened, almost turning around to attack the person from behind.

"Guess who," A feminine voice said from behind.

Realizing the mysterious person's identity, he relaxed, his shoulders sagging back to the position they were in before.

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