A Crown of Flowers

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There is a figure outside his window.

He doesn't know who. No one ever comes to this isolated house on top of the hill. A lonely, abandoned house with the exception of him inside. 

The boy scratches the top of his head, sliding his legs out from under the warm covers. He shudders as the cool morning air hits his skin, sending goosebumps along his arms and legs.

He changes quickly, the urge to meet the silhouette increasing by the second. As he opens the door, a sweet aroma of flowers and morning dew wafts across his face and a ghost of a smile flits across his lips.

He brushes his untidy brown bangs away from his face as he wanders down the hill and into the fields. Flowers of every kind lay across the meadow, swaying to the melody of the breeze. A soft humming noise makes its way into his ears. The shadow sings to an unknown tune, their hands fumbling with something on their lap. 

He recognizes the song; one that he had memorized when he was younger. 

Sneaking up quietly behind the unsuspecting person, he places his palms on their shoulders, placing his mouth next to their ear.

"Boo," he whispers, feeling the other stiffen underneath the unexpected touch.

The figure snaps their head backward, their jade eyes meeting the boy's olive ones.

"Care to tell me what you were doing here at six in the morning?" he questions, tapping his foot in a scolding manner.

After a prolonging silence, the figure answers, tearing his eyes away from the brunet.

"I couldn't sleep. That's all." The white-haired boy averts his eyes, unable to meet his gaze.

The tanned boy sighs, sitting down next to the albino.

"What you got there, anyway?" He points at the unfinished piece of work in his palms, trying to change the topic.

"A flower crown." The pale boy states, his fingers fumbling with the stems on the crown.

Purple, white, pink, yellow, and orange colored flowers clash together. Their stems interlace with each other to form a circle. It's different from the other ones, the brown-haired boy notes.

A bright smile makes its way to the albino's face and his arms reach outward toward the brunet's head.

He chuckles slightly as the wavy-haired boy tenderly places the crown on top of his spiky locks of hair.

A heavy weight suddenly settles in his chest; a monster that is slowly eating at the corners of his soul. It was a throbbing, lumpy knot at the center of his chest. A gaping hole that could swallow him whole.

"Teach me to create a flower crown, would you?" He leans against his boyfriend, his head placed comfortably in the crook of the other's neck.


Amusement drips from the words, and a faint laugh escapes the albino's lips. The tanned boy merely hums, beckoning the male to show him the steps.

"You cut through the middle of the stems, like this." He demonstrates by using his fingernail to slice open the heart of the plant. "Then you can weave them collectively."

His pale fingers touch the brunet's hand, instructing him how to do it. It was a gentle warmth, one that he craved more of. 

The heavy feeling resides in his chest, and he swallows dryly, his heart aching.

"I miss these moments," he says, his fingers automatically weaving the plants together without the help of the other male. "Maybe I should ditch my job to be with you." He jokes, laughing at his own statement.

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