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Inspired by this fanfiction I read before, but have no idea where it went.

Category: Fluff/Angst

Summary: The time of the day where you make a wish. 11:11.


His golden wings brought him down on a tree branch located right outside a hospital window. Who had he been assigned to this time? The brown-haired boy's olive eyes scanned through the glass window as he took in the people moving about inside the room. 

A nurse wearing a white apron was fussing over someone behind her (he couldn't make out who) by attaching IV cords and other medical items to their bed. With a slight bow, the nurse exited out of the room, leaving her patient alone. 

Now was his chance. 

With a graceful sweep of his wings, the blank-faced boy landed on the windowsill with a soft tap of the soles of his shoes. He pushed the window open quietly, careful not to disturb the white-haired boy sitting on the bed. The albino's direction was directed at the wall and not the boy, much to his relief. 

Suddenly, the pale boy's head snapped in the brown-haired boy's direction, his eyes strangely calm. 

"Who are you?" he asked in a delicate voice. 

The olive-eyed male could see that the boy was gripping the hospital sheets tightly, his fists shaking with what seemed like fear.

"Are you Death? Have you finally come to take me away?" He genuinely smiled. 

Why would he be smiling about death? What an odd person he was.

"What would you say if I told you I was Death?" He asked.

"I would ask you to take me away. I'm not scared of dying. There's really nothing left for me in their world anyway."

He stayed silent, letting the albino say what he wanted.

"And you're probably someone from my imagination, so I guess I'll tell you my name. It's Nagito Komaeda."

The male stared at Nagito, half expecting him to continue rambling on.

"What's your name?" 

His name?

"My name is Hajime Hinata."

"Hajime, huh. Would you mind if I called you that?" The boy asked, his fists slightly unclenching. 

"I don't mind."

Nagito laughed softly at his remark. 

"Well, if you're not Death, Hajime, then who are you? What are you doing here?"

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me."

Which was true. Everyone he served didn't believe him at first, so he had to launch into his humongous speech about where he came from and why he had wings and yada yada.

"What's there to believe in this world anymore?" The boy frowned. "There's always a lie in every truth nowadays."

"Well then," Hajime bowed, splaying his wings apart, causing several feathers to drop onto the ground. "I am Hajime Hinata, your guardian angel."

Nagito gaped at the floating feathers, taking one in his hand. He ran his finger through the golden-crusted tips, a smile forming on his face. 

"What are you doing here, my guardian angel? I don't even deserve one, after all."

Didn't deserve one? Here he was, sitting on his sick bed, and he says he doesn't deserve a guardian angel? Shouldn't he be more excited and optimistic? 

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