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Inspired by three ideas put together.


He could never be with him, and that's what pained his heart.

(Also, I wrote this back in March when I didn't know the difference between brunet and brunette. In this story, I used brunette, but I'm too lazy to go back and change it to brunet so... be advised. :))

Me: Yeah, short story yeehaw

Me, at 10k words: well- fu


"Ah, dammit! I stayed overtime again!"

The albino rushed down the stairs, his green coat flying wildly behind him as he leaped over the marble steps.

Nagito had stayed behind after school hours to complete his Biology project which was due tomorrow at midnight. He had been so engrossed in completing the last three-fourths of the project that he overlooked the hands on the clock change from three in the afternoon to seven in the evening.

Cursing colorfully at himself for being a complete idiot, he screeched to a halt in front of the main doors of Hope's Peak Academy.

He groaned, slapping himself on the face.

"Great. Just my luck."

The brick streets in front of him had become a small river, the rain pounding on the metal rooftop of the building.

"My luck truly is horrible. I should have brought an umbrella but noooo. I guess I have to walk in the rain now. Hah. I'm talking to myself. How pathetic."

Nagito put on his hood, hands in his pockets, and walked out into the slightly flooded roads.

The dorm had to be at least a one-mile radius from where he was standing. A ten-minute walk from the school to his room. Perfect.

The rain landed on the uncovered part of his white locks, drenching them wet. To make matters even worse, huge gales of wind blew past his fragile body, causing the droplets of rain to slam themselves onto his thin overcoat. And he was wearing short-sleeves underneath. Why was the world so cruel?

Suddenly, the rain disappeared, replaced with a feeling of warmth.

"Why are you walking in the rain all by yourself?" A male's voice called out from beside him.

A shock of fright ran through Nagito and he almost tripped over his own feet as he looked up to see who it was.

A brunette in his mid-teens looked down at the albino with tender olive eyes.

"Don't you have an umbrella or something?" The brunette tilted his head.

"U-uhm, no..."

"Are you going to your dorm? I could accompany you there since it's raining pretty bad out here. You don't wanna catch a cold, do you?" He asked.

"Trash like me shouldn't be taken care of..." Nagito whispered underneath his breath.

"Trash? No one said you were trash. You surely aren't a piece of trash. You're an Ultimate, right? So that means you have a higher status in society than I do." The brunette smiled sadly at the soaking albino.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm only a Reserve Course student. No one cares about me. I lack talent, confidence, and everything in between. So I should be the one who's trash. Not you." He smiled at Nagito.

The albino's heart fluttered as those words came out of the male's mouth. No one had ever told him he wasn't trash. It was either they ignored him or told him to shut up. But this guy... he was different.

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