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A short one-shot just for fun. Inspired by Kanatahiba on Instagram.

The other ones are taking a long time since they're over 5k words.

Sorry for crappy writing.


He hadn't seen it coming. 

It had been there, in front of him, but he couldn't see it. It was like a monster emerging from the shadows, its eyes as bright as an exploding star.

An ear-piercing screeching sound shot through his ears as he turned his head to the monster truck hurdling toward him.

And his dog-


His dog, his only friend, was laying in front of him on its side, blood pooling below its body. Blood that stained his dog's clean, white fur a dark red. 

The albino's breath was caught in his throat, and he found it hard to breathe. He fell onto his knees, his eyes dulling. 

This had happened because he allowed himself to be happy, to feel free for once. He knew that his luck would doom him someday. Fat tears rolled down his face, and he couldn't feel anything-- not even one emotion. The tears just kept coming and coming, and they wouldn't seem to stop. 

It was all his fault.


The plane. The hijackers. The meteorite. 

All his fault. All because he allowed himself to be happy. 

The white-haired child's jade eyes glanced down at his parents' dead bodies, a wicked smile matching those dull eyes. 

They were dead because of him. 

Maybe everything bad would stop happening if he locked up all his positive emotions.

And so he did. 

He took the key to his heart, his emotions, and threw it down that abyss of darkness, never to be seen again. 

He wouldn't allow himself to be happy anymore. For the sake of everyone else he would encounter in his life. 

The albino allowed himself to stare at the pit of darkness for a few more minutes before he turned around and walked away.

He never looked back.

Nagito's Third Person P.O.V.

Nagito swung his legs over the roof of Hope Peak Academy's main course building, watching the endless crowd of people leave the school. 

The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, the evening breezes becoming gentler as time passed.

Soon, he would make his move. He needed to wait until everyone left for the day.

Nagito placed the Dr. Hopper soda can to his lips, taking a tiny sip. What a better way to die than to get high before he committed suicide? 

What a funny word it was, suicide. It was even funnier that he was actually doing it. All those years of tolerance, letting his luck do whatever it wanted to him. It was time he ended it all. it was time he stopped killing everyone he knew. 

The skies turned a gradient purple and blue, the moon rising above the clouds. The albino placed his soda can at the edge of the roof as he stood up. 

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