"Ennis? Does that mean he's not dead?" Stiles spoke lowly so no one around us could hear.

"Not yet" Scott sighed. My phone buzzed in my pocket gaining their attention. I ignored their looks and opened my phone to see a text from Lydia.

Why in the world are you sitting next to Scott and Stiles?

I rolled my eyes and quickly typed up a response: 'why in the world are you stalking me?' She didn't reply after that. "I'm gonna go back to my seat."

"Why?" Scott asked. I pursued my lips and stood up.

"My stuff is there. I don't trust anybody on this bus" I rolled my eyes, sliding out of the seat beside them and into the one beside Boyd and Isaac. "Everyone good up here, yeah?" I asked them.

"We're fine" Boyd sighed. I giggled slightly and sat back in my seat, wrapping myself in a blanket.

"Jared, I'm warning you. I'm an empathetic vomited. You throw up I'm gonna throw up right back on you and it will be profoundly disgusting." Coach emphasized as he looked at the sick kid with disgust in his eyes.

"Please don't talk about throwing up, it's not good." Jared winced.

"I might throw up on you Jared just to prove a point." Coach continued.

"It's not good, it's not good." Jared began rocking back and forth in his seat, clutching his stomach.

"Now the rest of you, don't think we're gonna miss this meet because of a slight traffic jam, a minor tornado warning, Jared. We're gonna make this thing. Nothing is gonna stop us!" Coach exclaimed loudly. "Stilinski our your hand down."

I turned to see Stiles peering over the top of the seat with his hand raised ever so slightly. "You know there's like a food exit about a half a mile up. I don't know if we stop and then maybe-"

"We're not gonna stop." Coach cut him off.

"Ok but if we stop-"

"Stilinski! Shut it! Seriously! It's a little bus, stop asking me questions." Coach snapped. Stiles glared at coach as he sat back in his seat, pulling at his lower lip angrily. I sighed, feeling bad for him yet also couldn't help but be amused for that whole thing. My phone began going off in my pocket once again mere seconds later. I pulled it out quite shocked to see Stiles's name pop up on my screen.

"Hello?" I answered, the greeting coming out sounding a lot more unsure then intended.

"Get back here" is all he said before hanging up. I scoffed at his demanding tone but told myself it was because of coach- knowing full well it was a mix of me and coach. I glanced at coach who was too busy annoying the hell out of the bus driver to catch me before hurrying to the back of the bus, this time bringing my stuff.

"What do you idiots want now?" I rolled my eyes, glancing between the two.

"We're calling Lydia and Allison." Stiles muttered, scrolling down his contacts until he landed on Lydia.

"You know they're-"

"Right behind us. Yeah I know. It's a bit pathetic really" Stiles scoffed. I clenched my jaw at his attitude but didn't say anything, not wanting to make matters worse. He put his phone up to his ear and waited until she picked up. "I know you are right behind us, put me on speaker." He glanced over at me, looking reluctant before moving over in the seat and ushering me in.

I complied, sitting beside him so he could put his phone on speaker and turn it down so only we could hear. My palms were sweating as I started to feel a bit anxious sitting this close to him, I was practically on top of him. "Lydia, Scott's still hurt." I told her.

"Tori? What are you-"

"What do you mean still? He's not healing?" Allison cut off my sister, deciding to focus on the task at hand.

" I hes not healing. I think he's actually getting worse. The bloods turning, like a black color.

"What's wrong with him?" Lydia asked.

"What wrong with him?" Stiles began. I could feel the frustration dripping off of him. "I don't- do I have a PhD in lycanthropy? How am I supposed to know that?" He scoffed.

"We need to get him off the bus" Allison responded.

"And take him where, to a hospital?" Stiles rolled his eyes.

"If he's dying yes" I snapped. He was being an ass to them and they didn't do anything wrong to him. He turned ready to snap back when Allison began talking through the phone.

"Stiles, there's a rest area about a mile up. Tell coach to pull over."

"Yeah, I've been trying" Stile told her, thankfully with a lot less attitude.

"Well, reason with him" Allison tried.

"Reason? Have you met this guy?" Stiles sighed, glancing up at Coach with a glare.

"Just try something" Allison ended the call leaving us to worry about Scott.

Reveal [3] (Stiles Stilinski)Where stories live. Discover now