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I watch as they approach my house, and start to remove the roof. Alicia stands next to me. A lot of people have came to watch ever since I got on the news again last night. This time about the apparitions in my house. I didn't want them to, but I don't have to go to that high school again, thankfully.

"You sure you're okay with them taking your house down like that?" Lexica asks beside me.

"It's fine." I smile.

"That's good." Emily says.

I am definitely going to come back and visit. With the house here or not. 


The next day, I went to world trade center, just an hour from my house, to meet Ashton, where Tall woman apparently is on her next case. 

I take a wrap left, and park my car near the PATH subway, where he asked me to meet him. I slip on my sunglasses, and slide out of my car.

And I see him, and when I do, I don't feel weird- out anymore, the imagine of him wearing a dress pressed into my mind. I start laughing.

"Hi Molly." He says, when he sees me. "How's everything going?"

"Fine. They started taking my house down yesterday, and next week it's the other two houses." I grin. "But I'm fine, without all those stress and secrets, I feel so free."

"That's good." He blushes. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you with the bodies."

"They prefer it this way, it's okay." I think of him in a dress again, and I laugh again. 

"Also, I heard about what happened two days ago. I'm so glad you and your sisters made it out alive."

"Thanks." I turn to look into the blue mirrored building behind me. A breeze blows, and my blonde hair flies a little. It is not so bad, and I shouldn't be worried about my hair 24/7. "I'm glad I survived too." We watch people walk for a moment and I think about my experience living in that house. 

I will never forget anything.


We pile into the car. Alicia and I look behind at the construction area that used to be our house, one last time before we move away and it wouldn't exactly be the same again.

"Everything's loaded up into the apartment already right?" I ask, smiling with excitement.

"Yes Honey." My mother says. "You seem so relaxed these days."

"I am."

"We have to share a room there." Alicia tells me.

"I don't mind." I say, shrugging. Our car speeds away, and soon we're on a high way.

"Hye Molly!" 

"Yeah?" I turn but it's not Alicia, she's staring out the window. It's not Mom either. "Who is it?" I ask, confused. 

"Eleanor." The name makes me feel happy and nervous at the same time.

"Wait... What!?" I'm saying that but I'm still smiling, I turn around and in the back seat are the four apparitions, Shane smirking.

"You lost your house, we lost ours too." He says. "We're coming with you, Molly."

The end

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