Chapter thirty- eight

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 My BFFs sent me a text the day after I got home, and invited me over to Emily's house. There the two of them had made me the best ' welcome back' party they could make.

 They didn't even ask questions! Although Emily teared up when they she saw me, she told me how worried she was and how much she missed me. Then, Lexica showed me everything I missed in biology, luckily for her; we didn't do any dissection labs, so she didn't have to touch any of that stuff that grosses her out.

 Then we had a normal sleepover, one that we would have if I weren't kidnapped, and things weren't so hard. It was one of those wild ones we usually have.

 "Hey Molly." Lexica grinned evilly and pulled me aside. "Wanna try locking Em in the bathroom?"

 "She's claustrophobic." I giggle.

 "Exactly. How are we gonna trick her now?"


 "Hey guys, what are you talking about?" Emily ask, suspiciously walking over.

 "Um, nothing just my... uh... my hair! Right!" Lexica cried. "About how messy it looks right now, right Molly?"

 "Exactly." I say, giggling. 'It's like all in your face."

 "Okay..." Emily nods slowly, as Lexica grabs random red strands into a pony tail. That's when Emily's phone rings. "My mom's calling me, I'll be back." As soon as she leaves, Lexica tears the rubber band out, and when she does it actually looks messy.

 "Ow... ow... this hurts... ow... terribly."

 "Okay." I giggle. "We've gotta plan quieter, and you have to stop your bad acting."

 "Okay, how about we hide her phone in there when she comes back, and then I'll tell her it's in the closet, and when she steps in, you slam the door and lock it?"

 "Perfect plan." I smirk.

 We watch as Emily walks down the hall, over to us, with her phone in hand. Lexie starts giggling like mad.

 "What's she giggling about, now?" Emily asks.

 "Just... her hair." I pretend roll my eyes.

 "It's not that bad." Emily says.

 "It is!" Lexie giggles, as Emily puts her phone down. I sneakily grab it off the desk, and throw it in her closet.

 "Where'd my phone go?" Emily says, forehead creasing.

 "I think it's in the closet." I say. Lexie giggles uncontrollably, as Em makes her way in there, and when she walks in, I slam the door, locking it.

 Lexie giggles and I wait for about five seconds before we hear the shriek. And then another one, at that point, Lexie and I were both laughing uncontrollably. I finally unlock the door, letting Emily out. She looked pretty mad, but only for a few seconds. The frown got replaced with a sly smile.

 "Uh oh." I whisper to Lexica. "I think she probably wants to revenge."

 "Probably?" Lexica whispers back. "Let's pretend none of that happened."

 A few minutes later, Lexica suddenly paced around the room, looking really confused. I give Emily a look like 'what's wrong with her?' but Emily gives me a smirk.

 "Where are my clothes?" Lexica asks.

 "What!?" I shout.

 "Sorry, I meant the extra clothing I brought for um school tomorrow."

 "Emily, where did you hide it?" I ask.

 "Go look for them yourselves." Emily smirks. "You do realize that I hid yours too, right Molly?"

 "Thank you."


 Emily hid our clothes in the freezer. Perfect place, apparently. We spent the entire night, talking with flashlights on. We looked in Em's photo albums, and found pictures of us when we were little, a lot from sleepovers.

 That's when Lexica came up with the idea of spooky stories like what we did back in 2nd grade. My BFFs were totally lame, and it's embarrassing how I actually found their little stories scary as a little kid. Then, it was my turn, I thought for a while.

 "Okay, so you're moving into a new hose, it's old, dark, and creepy- like. You hate living there, there's like on window in your room. Then one day, your family members start acting weird then forgetting that they are acting weird, and when your friends come to visit your house, they start acting weird, but then leave your house and forget. This only happens in the house, and that's because apparitions-"

 "Shut up Molly, I don't think I can take this!" Emily cries. Lexica nods, looking frightened. Okay, this means I can never tell my BFFs about my problem. I wonder what would happen if I tell them it's all true.


 I can't believe I'm walking in the hallways of this high school again. Today, the second my BFFs and I entered the school, all eyes were on us. Well, on me.

 I didn't want this attention, I heard stuff like "She's back!? She's alive! Oh gosh!" and "Is she okay?" and "What happened to Molly?" and "She changed" and "Is that really Molly?" and finally "Too bad she made it out alive." That came from Rosalyn's mouth. Some people just hates you for no reason.

 I saw a lot of gossip mouths moving when I came their way, eyes widening. Many things I don't want. I want everyone to treat me like the average girl again.

 During lunch, I barely made it to Lexie and Em's table, before a really nosy girl named Marcy stopped me. I barely even know her; she's not even in my grade. All I know is that she writes the 'current events' column in our school newspaper, and instead of writing about events for the school, she writes about who's dating who at school, crushes, fashion, criticizes, who's dying- well maybe not that- and other gossip, she's just quite annoying. Although that makes the school newspaper more interesting.

 "Hi Molly, I've heard all about you."

 "Um... yes. So?"

 "I'm in the newspaper club, I write the current events column, and I was just thinking that maybe you'd like to share your incident."

 "No thanks." I snap in her face.

 "I'm sorry you were kidnapped by a dude that drugged your sister, but I need your point of view of the story, Molly, so I can-"

 "Sorry, I'm not very interested." I suddenly remember that Marcy is also one of Rosalyn's friends.

 "Come on McAllister! Everyone will love to hear from you!" Rosalyn calls out from Marcy's table. I ignore them and walk on.

 Even the teachers are offering me assignment extensions and everything. I mean, this is just making me feel more and more handicapped, more and more like a useless person altogether.  

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