Chapter three

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I grab my back pack and shut my locker door. I need to go home. I try not to let her notice me as I pass Emily's locker. She's probably still mad at me for what happened at lunch, when I wouldn't go to the girl's room, for her, to check if her phone was still in there. It wasn't like I was lazy and wouldn't do it, I just didn't want to go anywhere alone, especially not the bathroom in the basement's basement. Pretty confusing. My school's confusing, my house's confusing, my new life is confusing.

"Molly, wait for me!" Emily grabs her purse. I sigh. Apparently, I'm not good at trying to be invisible. She looks at me and frowns. "What's going on with you? You seem so, so different... so aware of your surroundings ever since you moved."

"Nothing's happening" I lie, thinking about all the shadows, I seem to see, creeping around every corner I turn, today. It's disturbing.

"Are you sure?" Emily sighs.

"Trust me, Em." The last thing I need is for my friends to leave me too. I climb into my car, parked next to hers. "See ya." She turns to leave, but quickly turns back around.

"Just remember, Molly, I was your best friend ever since kindergarten even before we met Lexie, so if there's any secret, you want to talk about, please tell me!"


"If it really were as easy as she said it." I mumble to myself, as I walk up the driveway, towards the dark old thing. "Nobody's going to believe that apparitions live in my house." I stop in my tracks when I see her in my living room.

Kimberly. Cole's girlfriend. I hate her.

"Oh hi Molly." She eyes me with her usual 'Kimberly look' the one that tells me that I'm gross, that I'm not as good as she is. "I haven't seen you ever since you moved, and to tell you the truth, this house is gross! It's so hot in here." She uses her manicured nails to fan herself. Behind her, I see in the hallway, a white light flash by, just as a guy- figure, runs past.

"Not really." I shrug, lying. I shiver, unable to ignore the apparition, I just saw.

"You've got the bitterest taste ever!"

"I didn't pick this house, Kim!"

"Well, I picked the house, when my parents and I moved here, when I was four." She brags. Wow, very dumb, I would never let a four year old spoiled girl, pick my house.

"Well, good for you." I groan. Kimberly kicks her six inch heels in my direction.

"Not only for houses, Molly, your taste when it comes to clothing, is terrifying." I walk away, uninterested.

"Molly wait! I haven't even gotten a chance to tell you the best part." 

"About the house that you picked? Or my bitter tastes?" I groan.

"I'm getting engaged!!!!!" She shouts. My heart stops.

"With.... my..... brother?"

"Well, duh! Stupid!"

My mouth drops open, speechless. I had always waited patiently for the day Cole dumps Kimberly, or the other way around. My mother always tells me that if I wait patiently, anything can happen. But, I hardly believe it can even happen, at this point. I wanted it so badly, I dreamed of them breaking up. But now, I probably have to face Kimberly, forever. Refusing to believe it, I run out the door, but not fast enough to avoid what I heard next.

"Wow Molly! You don't even congratulate me!?" Kimberly shouted.

"What was that all about?" Cole. I want to punch him right now.

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