Chapter five

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That night, I laid awake, shivering violently. It was about midnight, when the sound of partying started coming from the hallways.

"What is going on?" I grumble, frustrated. I drag myself out of my bedroom. I do not see a thing, but the sound of partying doesn't stop.

The ghosts are having a lot of fun. That irritates me. I sigh; I do feel bad for them, after seeing how brutally they were killed.

"Please be quiet before you wake Mom or Alicia." I say, if anyone saw me, they'd think that I'm probably sleepwalking, talking to an empty hallway.

"Shut up." One of the voices say.

"Fine then! See who's secret will be out." I roll my eyes. I walk back to my room, getting the feeling of being followed. I shiver and turn around, even though I know that it is impossible for me to see then.

"Okay, who's following me?"

"Eleanor, just wanted to see how you're doing, after you know, seeing my actual body today, in the room the killer hid us."

"I'm fine." I grumble, and hold the door out for her, when I start to notice that, there's no way I can know whether she's in the room or not, I close the door. "I have a question for you, what's that dude's name? Like you know the serial rapist."

"Shane Abramson."

"Thank you." I say, taking a while to remember the name.

"So, can I come to school with you, tomorrow?"

"What!? No! You're going to freak my friends out!" I say, but in the inside, I'm saying: You're going to freak me out! I can't have an apparition follow me to every class!

"Come on, Molly, I really want to best friends! I know I'm a little younger than you, but only a little."

"What are you talking about? You're two hundred years older than me!"

"I died when I was sixteen, so I'm still sixteen."

"216. Or more." I say, but then I notice how rude I sound. "Just please don't follow me to school."


 "Come on McAllister!" Taylor shouts. I try to catch the volleyball, but it hits me in the face, the other team scores. Taylor glares at me, she's like the best athlete in my gym class, or maybe even the entire school. Gym is the only class I have with Alicia; she's not even on my team.

During break, Lexica tried to teach me how to hit the ball, so that it actually gets over the net, of course, I still can't do anything, but get smacked in the face.

"Lopez! We need you, now!" Taylor shouts.

"Sorry." Lexica says to me, before running out to the court again. I look down at my worn out sneakers, while sitting on the bleachers with no one around me.

 Taylor's phone rings, she walks over to the her bag, which is next to me and picks up, when she sees the caller ID, she starts blushing like crazy.

"I'll be there in a second, Sweetie." Taylor says, flirt like, I giggle. She hangs up and turns to us. "Practice! Come on! I'll be back!" She starts paring us up. And of course, to my luck, I'm not with Lexica or Alicia, in fact I'm with a snobby cheerleader, Bethany Smith.

"Look what happens when I'm standing at the back of the group." She grumbles with attitude. "I get stuck with you, McAllister." She throws the ball, into the air, the right way, I try to dodge it, but fair, it plunges right into my stomach.

I scream. Several eyes turn out way.

"What are you doing?" Bethany glares at me.

"Sorry, it's just that-" A flash of white light. Too familiar. My moth drops open. Bethany gives me a smile. "No! Eleanor! I told you not to come to school it me!"

"I snuck into your car." She says. I start to shiver again. What am I supposed to do with Eleanor in Bethany's body!?

 But there was actually a good part; Eleanor knows nothing about volleyball, so I was saved from more hits on the head. Maybe we can be best friends, after all.


Study hall.

I tried to study for my biology exam, but a question kept taking over my mind. Is there some kind of DNA in me that make my body unable to be taken over by apparitions? I raise my hand. It takes Mrs. Aphro five minutes to notice me.  

"What is it, Molly?"

"Um, can I go to my locker?"

"Sign out."

I bump into "Hottie" on my way to my locker.

"Hi Molly."

"Oh... um.... hi?"

"Who is that?" Eleanor whispers in my ear, I shiver again, I totally forgot that she was with me.

"I don't know his name, but I'm going to prom with him." I blush.

"What was that Molly? Who are you talking to?" Hottie raises an eyebrow.

"Oh, nothing." He must think that, I'm really weird now. I sigh.

"Well, see ya." He walks off.

"Don't talk to me when someone's around, okay Eleanor?" I say, as soon as he's gone. But she's gone too. My mind starts racing, where did she go!? Is she just ignoring me? I don't think she would. Now, there's an apparition somewhere in my school, and I need to find her.

I spent the rest of the day worrying so much, I failed the biology quiz, like totally just bombed it; Eleanor seems to ebb everywhere to me. At lunch Emily gave me a weird look.

"Are you okay? You look really pale."

"I think I'm fine." I say. "But I just gotta go." I stumble out of the cafeteria. I need to find her. Every corner I turn, I think that I see her. I think about her body, how her heart was dug out.

"Molly!" I look around, no one.


"I found out his name for you! His name is Andrew!"

"What!? Oh, thanks, but how?"

"All I had to do was go into some girl's body, and ask him, it was that easy."


That day after school, when I drove Alicia home, I almost got into car accident. My hand slipped somehow, and my car started veering right, violently. That was when Eleanor saved us. With Alicia in the car, I could thank her right away but when I do get the chance to, I'd say: "Maybe you should come to school with me, every day."

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