Chapter forty- three

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 "What do you need to buy?" Alicia's forehead creases. I watch Kimberly standing irritated by the door.

 "Um, a paintbrush, I meant um, a hairbrush!" I smile. "Please, I don't want to go out myself, I want to like... have some time to say goodbye to this house?" I smile wide. Kimberly snorts.

 "Yeah sure I'll go." My sister says, but she looks really confused.

 "Well if you will the come on! I only have a few hours before I need to go someplace else. I'll talk to you about it in the car, Alicia." Kimberly calls. Alicia turns and they leave. I watch them, feeling many emotions in my stomach.

 This has to work. This is it.

 My vision blurs, as I try to think straight, while navigating over to the living room and collapsing on the couch. So Cole and my parents went to visit the apartment. Alicia and Kimberly are going shopping. I am alone now. Ashton and I will successfully remove the bodies, before this house goes down, without anyone knowing. I will stay in touch with Eleanor, but Shane could go die. Even if he's already dead. Perfect.

 This is probably the hundredth time I've ran that plan over in my head with a hammering heart. I stare at the mirror on the coffee table across from me. I look so super unstable. My eyes show me that I might cry any second now. I'm starting to wonder if there are too much nervous tears in them, making them blue. My face looks sick, I'm like green, and I don't want to deal with slightly dissected bodies, like human bodies. I've gotten too skinny with the stress going on these days. And I'm not even gonna talk about my hair- plus it doesn't have to do with any of this.

 The doorbell rings. I get on my feet, and successfully get to the door, head spinning, legs hurt and wobbly, but before I can answer it, I fall, breaking it with my hands. Ouch. Ashton looks equally as unstable. He looks scared actually.

 "Hi... ready for this?"

 "Um, I mean I guess so." My voice sounds different; the mirror didn't tell me that. “Well yes, the people are coming to take this house down, it has to be today. Even if Shane doesn't like it." My eyes shift and spot a little girl, with an attitude filled face, and curly hair. She's wearing a pink princess dress, with a golden crown lopsided on her head.

 "Oh um... Ashton, who is that?"


 "Her." I point, just to realize that she's faded. "Wait oh!" That's when a blinding white light occurs. I snap my eyes clothes. Then, it's over. "Whoa Ashton, did she leave?" He makes a face, and steps in. "Ashton?"

 "Don't call me a boy's name." He snaps.

 "What!?" I cry in shoct.

 "I want to be a princess! I want to be a pretty princess, Babysitter!" He starts whining, and grabbing on to me. I understand it all. That little girl with the attitude, that followed Ashton here, she's in his body now.

 "Look, you're a beautiful princess, and I promise I won't call you Ashton, but I really don't have time for this, would you like to leave? Like go to a castle for princesses or something? A place better than this?"

 "Mommy said that babysitters were NICE!"

 "Um, sorry, I'm not your babysitter." I sigh. "Uh... I'm just a random girl you happen to run into, okay?"

 "No! I wanna play princess!" With that, I have to watch awkwardly as Ashton's body zooms into my room. I follow, but drop dead to the ground when I hear this: "Whoa pretty dressy! I hate these jeans that I'm wearing." unzip.

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