Chapter thirty- four

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It has been five days since the day I sneaked downstairs and found the useless telephone. And each day, I transform more. Today, I cannot think of my new self as the one who volunteered to help Alicia. When I was able to do anything I wanted, not stuck in a room of nothing.

Each day, Gayheart comes in with a different weapon at around midnight. I started off as a normal teenage girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.

On the first day, right after the day he knocked me out with a flashlight, I felt homesick, I had to get out of here, and not have my family worry any longer, but I didn't know how to escape, and Eleanor didn't know what to do either. She tried, again, to get into his body, but that didn't work. I was so desperate. I tried what all abducted girls in movies do.


A big mistake.

My screams were sharp. It was around midnight. Nobody came to help me, and Gayheart came in with a knife. When I saw the knife, I screamed even louder, that scream was the ear- piercing kind, which is why he panicked, and charged the knife straight into my mouth. I remember how it almost sliced my tongue, and I flinched, biting back tears, I felt the blade almost touch my throat, pausing my entire body from movement.

"Shut up, Bitch." He had said. "Do you want to live?"

"Well, if you let me go." I said. "I won't tell anyone about this. Only if you'd let me go now." I thought about what I just said for a while. I remember a girl saying that in a movie to her kidnapper. He had decided to let her go like that, but she didn't keep her promise, she told the police and her family when she got back. The kidnapper went to jail, but his friend found and killed her.

"No. I don't believe you. Remember what a big deal you made of your sister being unconscious for just a few days?" Gayheart snapped.

"Just a few days?" I snarled, my upper lip was stinging, all the way down to my chin. I know that that's what his knife did.

"And didn't I say I'm trying something new with you?" With that, he left.

"Molly... Are you okay?" Eleanor said, I looked at her; she looked so worried, making me worry.

"I'm fine. I just need to leave." I said. "Very badly."

"Molly, look." Eleanor said, she pointed at the wall. "This is a sliding door."

"What!?" I jumped up, mouth dropping open. "I never realized that this was any special thing. Are you sure?"

"Well, it's not a sliding door leading to outside, it's well, there's just a mirror behind it."

"What!?" I felt my heart drop. "Well, thanks a lot." I walk over to it, and slide the stupid useless door open. Does this tell me that everything in this house is useless? Eleanor was right about the mirror, I was shocked when I saw my reflection, because there was a deep cut, right where it was stinging, from right under my nose to the curve of my chin, crossing my lip like that. And being locked in the dark for so long, I look really pale, no color at all, almost matching him.

My face is ruined. I don't want him to ruin it any more. I know he's not going to stop, I just hope that he doesn't do anything to my face later on.


That movie about the girl, who died in the hands of her kidnapper's friend, really scares me, what if I could escape Gayheart, how many friends does he have? That girl, Cara, had a kidnapper who was like a thirty year old, my kidnapper is only one year older than me, but that doesn't really make a difference.

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