Chapter sixteen

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Suddenly, the darkness of my room actually suffocates me. My eyes are closed but I can see my room through my eyelids, not very clearly but I can see it. I feel like something is on top of me, I cannot move, my breathing is fading, my heart's pounding. I want to open my mouth to scream, but I can't move my mouth.

Just like that, I suddenly feel the weight on me leave. I can breathe again, and I can move. My eyes are closed, it's midnight, and I'm in the middle of my sleep. I open my eyes. What was that, anyway? I slowly sit up, shivering. Something creepy is in the air. My window is open, I remember closing it last night. I feel tired, probably because of the weight. I feel pallid, and like I could snap in half at any time. I feel like there's something behind me. Just go back to sleep, Molly, stop imagining things, it's just like any other night. I think. I slowly turn around. There's a head coming up from behind me, eyes cracked and bleeding, tongue out. I'm speechless as the neck rises.... and it's gone. What kind of little kid are you? Thinking that there's a monster under your bed. My thoughts don't help me, I shiver like mad. I haven't gone to school for three days, even morning I go straight to visit Alicia and spend the entire day with her. Maybe I should go now, to avoid this feeling. I glance at my alarm clock. 1:30AM. Wow great, I'm pretty sure I can't go right now, but I need to get out of my room.

For some reason. I feel like I want to discover the secret of my neighbor's house, tonight. I reach for my phone and turn on the flashlight app. As I change and brush my teeth, attempt to tie up my hair, I feel like turning back. I shakily walk down the creaky wooden stairs, heading for the front door, and just before I leave, I look down that hallway of my house, I concentrate on the door where the bodies are in. Suddenly, the door knob turns. I shriek, push the front door open, and run out. I hope I didn't wake Mom. The outside world does not seem very friendly either.

I trip on something hard in my backyard. I look down, it's the stone girl. Trying to forget about that unfortunate encounter, I pass dark willow trees, and head for the neighbor's house. There seems to be something in those trees, something that I don't want to see or know about. I really feel like turning back, I didn't even bring anything to save myself, nothing but the scissors I always keep in my coat pocket.

Everything on the porch is broken. There's liquid soaking the dirty steps. I'm too afraid to knock on the door, my hand reaches over and test the knob. As I expected, the front door isn't locked. I push open the door, and step inside, leaving the door open, in case I need to run for my life. I always thought that this house was identical to mine, but the inside is different. I hope that there are no more bodies. It's so cold in here.

There's two hallways, I have no idea which one to follow, so I randomly pick the right one. There's black and white pictures nailed to the wall. There's a picture of a scary skinny girl, she looks pretty depressed. There's a lot of a family with three daughters, none of which is the scary skinny depressed girl, after the row of pictures of that family, there's another picture of the scary skinny depressed girl, except for that this time, she's smiling, and there's another scary skinny girl next to her. They're probably Amanda and Natalie. I think. I shiver, as I turn to the last two pictures, I freeze, my eyes widen. it's Eleanor and Shane. he looks dangerous and she looks sweet. And it's not a photograph... it's drawn. The last one is of the two scary skinny girls and Eleanor. Definitely Amanda and Natalie. I notice the little boy clinging on to Eleanor's dress. Must be William. This is drawn also, I guess Eleanor died before cameras were finally available. I try to imagine wanting to take a picture, instead of taking out my phone and just pressing a single button, I have to pay someone to stand there for a long time. That's impossible.

I exit the hall, going into a kitchen, someone definitely lives here, but how is that possible? There's nothing but the kitchen at the end of this hall, I go through the hall, again. This is strange. I walk into the second hallway, which leads to a staircase. The railing breaks when I touch it.

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