Chapter twenty- two

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Linda, the rest of the FBIs, and the cops have left me alone for two days straight. I felt relief on the first day, since I was happy to finally get a chance to calm down after the second line- up. I went to a café and spent the rest of the day exploring the city, shopping, relaxing in the hotel. Yesterday was just the same. And now, I feel like something's wrong, maybe they gave up on Alicia's case, since I'm so unsure about guy number four- Trevor.

Until my phone vibrated again, I was in the middle of braiding my hair, when I looked, and it was her call. I took a deep breath before picking up to know what she has in store for me, next.

"Um, hello?"

"Molly?" Linda says.


"I'll be coming right over, are you at the hotel?"

"I am." I say, turning to my second braid.

"Perfect. Thank you, Molly. I'll be right over, get ready."

"Um, okay, but-" She had already hung up.


I ran out of the hotel, as fast as I can, when I saw Linda's car pull up. I felt really nervous, so far my new year has been filled with nervousness, I didn't even notice that it was new Year that day I went to the first line- up. When we were little, Emily told me that what happens on New Year's day, determines the rest of your year, so if you have a rough new year's day, your year's going to be rough. I didn't believe her but she said that her mom told her that. So I saw Trevor that day, I had nightmares about him, does that mean I'm going to have to deal with him for the rest of the year?

"Is it a third line- up this time?" I ask, uneasily.

"No, we've already gotten out top suspect, thanks to you, Molly."


"We know that you are just as eager to find him as we are, right?"

"Yes, but what is it this time?"

"We need you to confirm that you are sure it's him, can you be sure, Molly?" Linda asks. I open my mouth to say no, but I can't let them drop Alicia's case because of lack of evidence. I don't want them to think of this as unimportant.

"I'm pretty sure it's him, yeah I think so." I say. "Wait, can I talk to him or something just to be sure?" Linda's green eyes widen.

"Are you sure? You want to talk to him?"

"Well... probably not."

"We'll determine the results later, Miss. McAllister, I'll make sure to call you tomorrow." She pulls into the parking lot of that same building.

I shiver as we enter, Linda brought me pass the lineup room, I shiver even more when we walk pass, when we start to pass the break out area, where there are people waiting, I try not to shiver or look nervous, that makes me look like a criminal escorted by an FBI agent. 

I remained casual until I saw four hand- cuffed girls escorted my way. All four of them looked quite evil, I started to shiver again.

"Seriously, what r- room are we even-n g- going to?" I ask.

"The last one on this floor." Linda replies. When we get to the huge window at the end of the hallway, Linda takes out keys and unlocks the door. "She's ready.' She says into the room. I don't remember telling her that I am ready. I think. I step in, this looks like a conference room, very different than the line up one. Two cops, a tall lady who is too skinny and has jet black hair, and a teenage boy are waiting for me. When the tall lady smiles, all her teeth show, she looks kind of creepy.

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