Chapter twenty- five

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I woke up feeling sick, but I've missed too many days of school in Seattle, to miss another one. I dragged myself out of my room.

"Alicia, we're going to have to take the bus, today." I say, as I brushed my teeth, staring at the deep bags under my eyes in the mirror. "I can't drive."

"What? Oh." She turns around and sees me "Whoa! What did you do to yourself last night?"

"Nothing." I drag myself back into my room, and throw my closet door open. "Right, I left my school clothes downstairs in the laundry room." I say to myself, and yawn. I trug downstairs, but the second I open the door which leads to downstairs, my heart stops.

Mrs. Abramson is walking over, and it's not only that I'm still kind of afraid of her. The scary thing is that I.... can see her. I stop and stare. She's 3D, like a real person, except she's a faded person.

This can't be, what kind of eyes do you have? I think. Mrs. Abramson walks into the staircase, I watch her walk upstairs. She turns around and smirks at me, probably thinking that I still cannot see her. I do not believe that this is true. A chill settles in me. I cannot see apparitions. It's impossible. Stop dreaming, Molly. I think. I run upstairs to change, and while I'm in my room, I look around to make sure that Rohypnol guy is not in my room. And luckily he isn't. But I'm 100% when he appeared in my room last night, I was not asleep. I slip into my jeans, and sweater, I take one last look at my room.

It's hard to see in my room, day or night.  Last year, during the summer, about a few days before Alicia was drugged, it was nearly 120 degrees and pouring sunshine outside, still I couldn't see very well in my room, when I was trying to look for something.


"Alicia, are you ready?" I call into my sister's room.

"In ten minutes! I forgot where I put my backpack, yesterday." She calls back. A stab enters my heart, it happens every time Alicia forgets something. it makes me hate Rohypnol guy even more.

I slowly walk down the stairs, and step outside, pulling my coat on. The snow is heavy. I make my way to my car, and when I open the door, my heart stops. I take a deep breath.

"Uh... Shane? Can you like get out of my car?" I groan. The smirk slips off his face, and for a second I thought it was because he wanted to stay in my car.

"Molly.. you can see me." I watch his mouth move.

The annoyed look on my face slips off. Right, I can see him. And in the same way I saw Mrs. Abramson, a slightly faded person. What is going on?

"I- I have to get to school, I'll talk to you later." I say. For once, Shane listens. He steps out of my car and heads towards the house. I watch him. I squint my eyes. Both Eleanor and Mrs. Abramsons still wear the clothing they died in, 1800s clothing, but Shane looks like he can be any creepy kid in my school.

How.. did he... change?

My sister suddenly steps out of the house. My heart starts beating wildly, maybe the apparitions has gone visible, and she can see him. Anyone can, my secret is over. Alicia's going to get really scared, she's definitely not dauntless enough to work with apparitions like me. I try to run over before it's too late, but there's too much snow, to walk a little faster than a snail.

Alicia looks up, right at him, I draw in my breath, but she continues to walk, she doesn't show any expression, even when she's face to face with Shane. Then, I watch the coolest thing, that nobody else may be able to watch, Alicia walks through Shane.

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