Chapter twenty- six

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"I need to know more about that house, do people die when they go into here? Like right away?"

"If they live there." Eleanor sighs. "I really don't want to scare you Molly, but nobody makes it out alive for more than five years, nobody's been in there for a long time. And I know that you're all 'adventurous' and tried to find out about the nuns and the cemetery and us, but please don't go explore the house. I don't want you dead at a young age... like me"

"I won't. But what's in there."

"I don't know, I've never been I there, I'm too scared. Shane probably went into that house."

Dead and still scared.

"But where do you think my ability came from?"

"I don't know, but it seems very interesting."


I did not expect my phone to be singing- fine ringing my ring tone- in the middle of the night. I opened one eye.

"Hello?" I ask, just to realize that I'm still sleeping and that I said hello to no one before picking up. I reach for my phone.

It's Linda.

I feel awake, my eyes widen, I slowly hit 'pick up.' What if I have to go to Seattle now, for an emergency, or else why would she all at night? I take a glance at my mirror, I look messed up with blonde bird nest on my head. My morning hair. I take a deep breath.




"I called to inform you, you, your sister Alicia, your brother Cole, and his wife Kimberly needs to be at the airport to meet me, at 7:30 AM, Monday." Four days away.

"Oh, okay! Thanks, Linda." I say.

"Wait, did I call you at night? Sorry."

"It's fine... wait you don't know?"

"I'm out of continent right now, it's morning for me."

I sigh in relief, it wasn't any emergency that involved needing me to run into public, wearing a bird nest on my head. I dial Kimberly's number on my phone. Usually I won't pick her over my brother, but I'm just mad at him for telling XYZ news that I'm acting weird. She picks up at the fifth ring.

"Hello? Kimberly? It's Molly."

"Some of us, are trying to enjoy our night, I'm at a party, Stupid, what!?"

"Well, you kind of, you and Cole kind of have to meet Alicia and I at the airport on Monday, at 7:30 AM."

"Kind of? Do I have a choice?"

'Well, not really."

"There's really so much stuff I can do than to go to court in Seattle. For Alicia."

"Just tell Cole, Complainer, goodbye." I groan hanging up on her. Now, I have to tell Alicia. I look at my reflection, I don't want to run to Alicia's room with my bird nest, either. I dial her number, lazily.

"Molly?" She asks, tired. "What is it, why are you calling? You're right next door."

"I don't want to walk all the way to your room, so just telling you be prepared for Seattle tomorrow!" I hear her gasp, nervous. "It's okay, Alicia, it's just trial, you don't have to meet Rohypnol guy."

"But it's just-"

"Once we've proven him guilty he can't do anything to you. We're leaving on Monday, so remember to pack."

I was so sure that Alicia wouldn't be his next victim. I concentrated too much on saving her.


The next day, I ran out back and ran to the other way, the way that doesn't lead me to the nun house, or the cemetery.

The creepiest house comes to view, I didn't know that it could exist in New York. I take a deep breath, glad that it's morning, I stare at it. Using my ability, I do not see any apparitions, but the glass is coated with dust, it blocks my view of the inside of the house. The only way I can be sure is to go in, and if I do, I'm risking my life. Anyone who goes in there dies.

The house is black, it's really old, and it's surrounded by dying willow trees. I start to head home.


"Molly! No! You're not leaving tomorrow!" Lexica cried, as I stepped into the biology room.

"Sorry, did Em tell you already?"

"Yes." She gives me a serious face, then. "And I don't know if you want to know but... Andrew stopped me and told me to tell you he'll miss you."

"Wow! How sweet" I cry with sarcasm. "Find him and tell him for me, I won't miss him. Okay, Lexie?"

"You're still mad?"

"Why would I not be?"

"Lexica Lopez and Molly McAllister, quiet." Mrs. Delaney warns, frowning at us.

"I never really noticed but both our names are alliteration." Lexica whispers to me. I giggle, Mrs. Delaney shoots us another warning glance.

"Today, we will be dissecting eyeballs." The entire class of girls shriek, including Lexica beside me. "Be quiet, or else, I'll make you touch it now!" Mrs. Delaney pulls out a diagram of the eyeball. Nobody listens.

At the lab tables, Mrs. Delaney handed out animal eyeballs for everyone. "If you can't survive it today, you can't survive it tomorrow."

"I survived the brain lab!" Adrianne cried. "Wait... what's tomorrow?"

"Hearts lab." Mrs. Delaney says. Lexica screams.

"Oh god, Ginger!" I roll my eyes, but Lexica looks frightened. Thinking about the heart I saved. It wouldn't be hard for me.

When I chopped the eyeball open, the blood squirted out, I felt like I was letting my anger with Rohypnol guy out, and chopped it again.

"I always thought that my eyeballs were weak and easy to break... break my life."

"Come on Lexie, it's just a lab, you're supposed to draw the inside, while I cut."

"I'd rather.. go.. puke." I watch as Lexica's green eyes water, she starts shivering and slowly walks to the front of the room, heading for the trash can.


Alicia and I packed all Friday, she was very nervous. I tried to make her calm down as much as possible, but with my own heart doing jumping jacks, I cannot really help her that much.

Over the weekend, Mom took me and Alicia for a college visit. Most of it was just boring like any other college visit I've been to last summer. It was until we followed the tour into an old building, the second I stepped in, I saw her.

An apparition. She was a little girl, she had curly brown hair, like Emily. She wore a short pink dress, and had a doll like face. She looked like she died just maybe a few years ago, unlike Eleanor. I felt so bad, she was alone, and she chose not to go on. I didn't realize that I had stared at her, until our eyes locked. I tried to smile, but she fled, seeing everyone coming in.

I took a look at Mom and Alicia, everyone around us, nobody noticed the little girl apparition. I have to stop thinking of this as a surprise, I have to get sued to my ability, The sixth sense that nobody else, at least not that I know of, has.

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