Chapter forty- four

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I feel a pinch, as I squeeze the needle down into my vine, and press the plunger. The lavenderish liquid injects into my arm, leaving the syringe empty. I need help to sleep now. Tomorrow's my last and only chance. 

I look around my room, again I think about everything I've went through after I moved here. The seventeen year old Molly was just an ordinary small blonde teenage girl who cared only about her looks, school, shopping, and friends and all. The girl who lived a normal life. I didn't want to move here, but after I did, I changed myself. Eighteen year old Molly is a survivor, went through live TV, worked with FBIs, a braver girl, met apparitions, became friends with Eleanor in fact, and developed an ability. I am now a girl who saved her little sister's life. Everything that happened helped me, especially sitting with those two in a plane for eight hours, it really helped. Well, maybe not. 

Just the thought of living makes my eyes water. I want to enjoy it before they come to take the house down but tomorrow is the last day I can get the bodies out, and also end this era of my life. I look up and watch Eleanor, feel every wall of my room, Eleanor didn't want them to take her house down, I can't stop them, I wonder if I'll be able to stay in touch with her. I was her only friend, after all. I hope that she understands. So far she seems like she does, just an hour ago, she tried to help me recover from Ashton wearing my brand new dress. She even helped me throw it into the trash, so I didn't have to touch it. She's done so much for me. The tears start to fall.

"Molly, are you alright?" Eleanor turns around. "Are you still having trouble sleeping?"

"No. I'm fine, but just..." I pause. "Thank you."

"You too. I'm going to hang out in the stairwell for a while." She grins, I grin back.


Early in the morning, I run out of my room. Mom, Dad, and Cole are already downstairs. My heart squeezes. How did they wake up so early? But then, I see them loading boxes into a truck.

"Hi, are you guys moving these stuff to the new apartment already?" I ask.

"Yes, Honey. You're awake so early." Mom smiles.

"Yeah, I used the syringe last night." 

"I'm glad it helps." She turns and helps my dad with the kitchen utensils. I grab a few and help too, I want them out of the house as soon as possible.

"Hey Molly, you're getting better right? Don't worry, moving will help." Cole says.

"It's okay, I'm better than fine here." I roll my eyes. My parents load everything into the borrowed truck.

"Thanks Molls." Dad grins at me. "We'll see you tonight."


I watch them leave.


Alicia runs over with a huge smile, just as I'm feeling queasy about hiding the bodies. She gives me a big hug.

"Last day here, can't wait to move!"

"Uh... yeah." I force myself to smile. Kimberly walks over sipping her coffee.

"Gross Molly, look at your clothes." She grimaces, I'm wearing the cranberry juice stained useless T- shirt and too big jean shorts, the pockets are sticking out, perfect for dealing with bodies.

"I don't care." I tell her. "And are you gonna shop again today? Hang out?"

"No, I'm staying here today, I'm gonna relax." My heart stops, my eyes pop.

"No! But- this house is gross, remember!? It's dark, it's creepy, the staircase makes it look like a really low- class building or whatever you said, remember? You can't stay here."

"Shut up Molly, there's not another place to stay at, so what's the problem? I'm tired." She yawns. 

"Just like-" I sigh. "Alicia, what are you going to do today?"

"I'm gonna go pack up my room, haven't done it yet."

"What!?" She's staying too. "Why didn't you pack already?"

"Well, yesterday you told me to buy you a hairbrush." Alicia shrugs and looks concerned. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know- I mean I'm just stressed, sorry."

"You should celebrate the second you move into a better apartment, I'm gonna be staying there for a few days anyways, before I go back to Cali." Kimberly tells me.

"Yeah whatever. We're probably not going to have a guest room." This house is better than the apartment. 

"Oh? Well is that so? I'll have to borrow your space then Alicia, sorry." Kimberly shrugs.

"What!?" Alicia gasps.

"Just giving 'stressed up' Molly some space." She shrugs again, and I groan. If Alicia's busy upstairs.... I smile at her. "You should go pack now, I'm sure you've got a lot." 

"Okay. Right!" Alicia takes off. I turn to Kimberly.

"Sure you don't want to go shopping?"

"No." She points at a full twenty bags in the corner of the living room. 

"Wow." I say.

"I shopped a lot yesterday." She beams up. "Today, I'm gonna try on each and every outfit in front of the mirror, take selfies, curl my hair, and much more, Molly!"

"Oh um okay, but how did you pay for that?" I ask, as she sprang up from the couch and rushes to the staircase room.

"I have a credit card, Brainless."

"Yeah, but you're still gonna have to pay." I say. "Eventually."

"I don't have to worry." She turns and smirks. "Cole's paying, not me." A rush of anger fires in me.

"Stop using my brother." I say between clench teeth.

"Whatever you say Moll-" CRASH. She stops, and widens her eyes. My heart fastens. CRASH. Footsteps. 

It's the kitchen window. That kitchen window, where someone had once crashed in and killed Eleanore, Shane, and his parents. They were all murdered, and now I think I can see my fate too. And not only fate, but Kimberly's and Alicia's too. 

I hear the person jump onto the floor of my kitchen, he or she is walking close to us, I hear the sound of one of the boxes move. Kimberly turns green, I can hear blood rushing past my ears, too much blood. I feel a cold tug on the top of my head. We can't escape, to get to the front door or back door, we'll pass the robber, who for sure has weapons. This hallway is windowless. Kimberly grabs my arm, and clutching each other, we sneak upstairs, I barely feel my legs, as we run for Alicia.

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