Chapter thirty- nine

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 I was shocked when I saw the headline on the cover of that stupid school magazine. Reason why Molly McAllister went missing for so long. The article is even worse. While I read it, I felt scared, mad, and worried, all at once. Apparently Rosalyn had made Marcy write a story about me even without giving me an 'interview'.

 Molly's sister, Alicia, a sophomore at our school was drugged at a night club, they tried to find the guy who drugged her, and before they could he kidnapped Molly. She was stuck there for more than a week, and came out pretty much transformed.

 I stop reading, and slam the paper down on the lunch table. Anyone know the definition of privacy? Can someone teach it to Marcy?


 "Really? She actually just went ahead and published that!?" Emily cries unbelievingly. I had sent her an emergency text to meet me at the mall after school.

 "That's how obnoxious people can be," I say.

 "I don't think she's really allowed to like just write that." Emily says. "Sorry I wasn't there at lunch today, Lexie and I had art club, she went back now too, to finish her painting."

 "I'm just quite tired of it."

 "Don't worry, it's the end of the year already, almost graduation, aren't you excited?"

 "Look, I just came home for literally two days, and this is what I get." I sigh. "This is great. How can I be excited?"

 "Well, you're gonna leave right? Then, you won't be seeing Marcy or Rosalyn anymore." Em smiles.

 "I hope so."

 "And soon your hair's gonna change back and your cuts will get better."

 "Hope so."

 "Oh my god, Molly." Emily says suddenly, looking really well fangirling will be an understatement.

 "What? What is it?" I ask.

 "You've gotta look at that cashier. He's. So. Hot!" I turn around to look at who Emily's pointing at. "Don't you think Molly?"

 "Um... sure." That guy looks a lot like Gayheart. I blink, and then I blink again, but Emily's 'hot guy' still look a lot like Gayheart.

 "Gosh Molly, I'm gonna get a job here, so I can meet him," She beams excitedly. My best friend's crushing on a guy that looks exactly like my kidnapper. Same smirk.

 "Well, good luck Em. Isn't he a little too old though?"

 "Come on, he looks two years older than me." She gives me a duh face, and just like that she trips and falls backwards crashing into the clothing rack behind her. "Oh god! Molly! Save me!" I start giggling, as I help her up. "Uh oh, what should I do?" She asks, full of panic. She's eyeing the cash register.

 "You didn't break anything, don't worry." I roll my eyes.

 "No, what if his first impression on me is ruined now?"

 "Right. Em, he's staring right at you."

 "What!? Did I cause that much attention!? Oh god!"

 "He's gone."


 "That was so nice of you."

 "Thanks." I say, as we trudged down the sidewalk, all we brought was shoes for graduation not even an outfit as planned. Just shoes and we took so much time, its 9:30 PM. It's pretty dark out here.

 "I think these are perfect for graduation." Emily says, as we pass the graveyard. I watch as apparitions roam around. I shiver, and grip on hard to the handle of my shopping bag.

 "Yeah." I agree.

 "I didn't want to wear heels so I-" A blinding white light, and she stops. I am alone now. I run over to her, her eyes are glassy.

 "Em? Emily? Please." I start shaking with fear. The apparition in Em's body throws herself on the sidewalk.

 "Please." She mutters. "Give me some money, I don't have a house. Give me something." Her eyes look sickening to me. "Please."

 "Okay, then can you get out of my friend's body?" My voice sounds shaking.

 "No." The apparition says she looks up at me; half of Em's brown curls are in her face.

 "Please leave." I hand her a twenty dollar bill. "Can you now?"

 "What's this girl's name?"

 "Emily Rodriguez, okay?"


 "Can you leave now?"

 "No. I know her name. I can be her now." The beggar apparition tells me tearfully. That's when a family walks by. The beggar apparition drags Em's body over to them. "Please, give me some money." Em doesn't look like a beggar, the kids stare at her.

 I stand there, speechless. The family ignores and leaves. The apparition crawls back to her place. I am too scared to move. A lady walks past us.

 "Can I have some money?" The apparition asks. She has a creepy voice, and the lady runs away shrieking.

 "Look, you're dead, you're fine." I stop. "Sorry to say, but can you like please leave Emily alone?"


 "I'll do anything."

 "Give me more money." This apparition obviously still thinks that she needs something for a living. Poor apparition.

 "Here." I empty my wallet, dropping every single coin and dollar into her cupped hands.  

 "Thank you so much."

 "No problem. Good luck. Just a tip, you might want to choose to go on. You'll get to a better place." I say. The apparition thinks for a while, and then with a small white light, Em blinks.



 "Um..." She glances at the money in her hands. "Where'd I get this?"

 "Oh, I dropped my wallet, everything fell out and you were helping me pick the money up."

 "Oh... I don't remember."

 "It's okay. Come on, let's leave." As we walk, I take a quick look behind. The beggar apparition is a girl in dirty clothes.

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