12. smoke

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Matty's POV


'I'm having the time of my life here, without you.' 

I looked over at Elizabeth and swallowed, as she practically tumbled off the bed in order to put her 't-shirt bra,' whatever the hell that was, on. She grabbed a long, baggy plain black t-shirt and pulled it on over her head, her blonde hair emerging from the hole. 

'Lizzy, please come back to me. I miss you so much, why did you leave? x daddy.' 

'Take no notice of what anyone tells you. Stay out of the way of the police. Do not come back.'

'Hi Elizabeth, Cindy here. Harry gave me your number. I'd just like to say, we're all really missing you. I'm aware that you're probably not going to read this, and even if you do, you're probably not going to come back. But I'd just like to say, I'm sorry, on behalf of everyone at school, if we made you feel upset or anything. I really hope we didn't. Please stay safe, find yourself somewhere nice to live, with better friends. x' 

 'Lizzy, please, please, you're driving me insane. I miss you. x daddy.'  you and me both, mate.

'Don't listen to your dad, he is deluded.' 

'Up until the sighting, I had thought you were dead. I should have realised I wouldn't be so lucky.'

I didn't want to carry on. 

I looked over at Lizzy, who was now lying down on the bed, a blanket draped over her, her arms wrapped around herself, keeping her warm. 

'Liz, you should come back, like, now. We need you for the summer project.'

'Toby told me that you were missing. I laughed. You'll be back within a week, attention seeking bitch.'

I put the phone down on the bedside table and looked at her. 

She started back at me. 

"Do you want anything to eat?" I asked her. 

"No." she replied. 

"No, me neither." I said. 

She moved herself around a bit so that she was lying curled up in a ball on the bed. 

I wanted to tell her not to be sad, but I couldn't. There was no reason for her to be happy, as far as I could see. 

"Where did you go?" she asked, not moving her head from where it was. I could barely hear her, but I just about caught on. "Earlier when you were out." she finished. 

She was crying. I could hear her voice shaking. 

I gently rested a hand on her back. 

"I was looking for you." I said lowly. 

"You didn't need to." 

"I wanted to." 

It wasn't true, I had left to get some more cigarettes. But I figured it would make her feel better if I said that I had been trying to find her. 

It was only a white lie.

She smiled at me slightly. 

"Thank you." she said. 

"No problem." I replied, trying to shove the feeling of guilt to the back on my mind. 

I moved around slightly so that I was lying down across from her. 

She moved her head up a little bit and looked at me with her bloodshot eyes. She pushed a strand of her blonde hair out of her face and whimpered slightly. 

Water // Matty Healy ♣ The 1975Where stories live. Discover now