8. bleach

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there's a picture of the side, edited by stormyhale, of elizabeth with blonde hair. 


pleeeeasae tell me what you think of this chapter, because i'm not overly sure...


Originally, I had opted for black, not wanting to venture too far from my brown locks, but Matty pointed out that it probably wasn't the best, because it wasn't going to be the biggest change. 

Sylvia suggested pink, blue, green and various other colours that I didn't really want to go anywhere near. 

"You're going to have to bleach it no matter what, because it'll have to be lighter." she said. I nodded my head. 

"Okay," I said, suddenly feeling very wary. "I guess I'll go for a kind of strawberry blonde." I said. She nodded her head, we searched a couple of photos of strawberry blonde hair up on her phone, and we all agreed it would be best. 

So Sylvia went to the nearest Boots and left Tom and Matty with me, in case I had another 'outburst.' I playfully punched her arm when she said that. 

"So," Matty said after Sylvia left. "Strawberry blonde, eh?" I sighed, dramatically falling backwards onto the large sofa in the living room. 

"Don't remind me." I said. 

It would probably look fine, it wasn't like I had dark brown eyes or anything, mine were icy blue, and my skin was quite fair, but it would just feel weird, living my entire life with dark hair, then suddenly being blonde. 

"What else are you gonna do?" Tom asked me. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"Well, you're only dying your hair, your face won't look any different." he said. I sighed quietly. 

"I dunno, I could kind of change my make up or something, and just wear different clothes." 

"You could get your lip pierced." Tom suggested with a cheeky grin. 

Matty and him sat either side of me. 

I raised an eyebrow at him. 

"Seriously Tom?" I choked out. 


While Sylvia was out, Bryony came back. She dumped her bag and coat by the kitchen and came into the living room and looked at us. 

"Wow, you guys look like you're having a barrel of laughs! Where's Sylvia?" she asked.

"She's gone to buy hair dye for Lizzy." Matty said. 

"What, why?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows. 

"Just look on the Herald or whatever." I said glumly. 

So she did. She grabbed her laptop, typed in the address, and sure enough, there was an article about me on the front page. 

"Oh," she said as she read it. "I get it now." she said. 

No one asked me any questions, like why I left, why I wanted to stay in London, why, if my dad and step mum had enough money to get my picture on the news, yet I only had enough for my share of rent for a month with a little bit spare.

Someone else may have found that uncaring, but I was actually happy they didn't feel the need to interrogate me. 

Charlie got back ten minutes after Bryony, and we had to explain it again, then, Sylvia walked through the door. 

"Right." she said, bouncing into the living room after shutting and triple locking the door, with a Boots carrier bag clasped in her hands, fuller than it needed to be. 

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