Chapter 20

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On the ride home, Bonnie told Kai what she and Mr. Salvatore's paralegal had overheard in the ladies room. Kai was both shocked and saddened by Vicki's psychological state that she had to go on anti-depressants. However, her refusal to make it known, and obviously keep it a secret, may only hurt her chances in the future of ever having extended, non-supervised visits with Josie.

After that, they rode in silence. The only contact between them was their index fingers, which were interlocked with each other.

Kai's mind was going in several different directions. Now that he has full custody of Josie, and Vicki was no longer a threat, his marriage to Bonnie didn't need to continue. He kept quiet about the situation, hoping that maybe Bonnie would bring up the subject of what was to come now that this custody nightmare was over.

Little did he know, that Bonnie was thinking the same thing. Since Kai hadn't mentioned their status, she just let it be and decided to wait it out. She wasn't stupid, however. She braced herself for when that time came, however, it didn't erase the fact that, after what happened last night, there was something there between them that no longer kept them on a nanny/employer relationship.

As much as she wanted to protect her heart from what was to come, she was helpless against losing it to this wonderful man beside her. She threw caution to the wind last night. Should she continue, knowing that she might end up heartbroken?

For the last few years since Enzo died, she'd played it safe and conservative, just like her outward appearance. However, after coming into Kai's life, her life had taken a 360 degree turn, both inside and out. Sure, Kristen was the catalyst for helping her bring about her new look, but Kai made her feel like she shone from the inside, not just out.

When they got home, Bonnie relieved the sitter who was taking care of Josie. When she left, she and Kai played with Josie together. At dinnertime, Bonnie placed Josie in her highchair and she and Kai took turns feeding her while they had dinner together.

Afterwards, Kai walked his daughter, who was peacefully sleeping on his shoulder, and put her down for the night. As he stood above her crib, he stared down at the mini image of himself as he stroked her headful of soft, dark brown curls. Tears began to form in his eyes at the thought of losing her to Vicki in her condition, had it not become known.

"I love you, Josie," he softly whispered. "You are my number one priority and my life. I'll fight to the death to make sure you never leave my side."

He then thought about someone else whom he didn't want to leave his side. Bonnie. He knew that she wouldn't bring up the marriage situation, thus leaving it to him. But he didn't want to bring it up either. Right now, he just wanted to concentrate on the great victory he had today and the lovely woman downstairs who helped to make it possible.

Downstairs, Bonnie was at the sink putting teacups in the diswasher. As she turned off the water, she was startled by the pair of arms that secured themselves around her from behind.

"Thank you," was breathlessly whispered in her ear in a silky voice.

Bonnie turned in his arms and looked up into the most incredible gray blue eyes that she'd ever seen in her life. They were the eyes of a father who loved his daughter so much that he was willing to do anything to keep her. Nothing was more beautiful to her.

"You're welcome, Kai. Anything for...Josie. She belongs with you and no one else. You're the best thing for her."

"She's not the only thing that's best for me," he whispered inches from her lips before he touched them to hers.

This moment, nor the rest of the night, was the time to talk about the status of their situation. All that existed right now was a man and a woman and a need for each other.

Kai broke the kiss, took her by the hand and whispered in her ear.

"Follow me," was all he said before he led her to the bedroom for the night.

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