Chapter 5

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A couple of weeks later, Bonnie was just putting Josie down for her afternoon nap when she heard the front doorbell ring. She then heard Kai's voice, followed by another male voice and a female one.

After standing above Josie's crib for a few moments, making sure she was out for good, Bonnie grabbed the monitor and walked out. She heard Kai with the other two people downstairs in his entertainment room. As not to intrude on him or his company, she kept to the kitchen and made herself a cup of tea.

While waiting for the water to boil, she heard a pair of slow footsteps enter the kitchen. Bonnie looked up and locked eyes with an incredibly gorgeous woman.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone was in here," the woman said. "You must be Bonnie."

Bonnie regarded the gorgeous brunette, dressed in skinny jeans, a low-cut white tank, pale black leather jacket and black wedge boots.

"Yes, I am. Bonnie Bennett. I'm Josie's nanny."

"So I've heard," the woman said brightly. "Kai's done nothing but brag about how he hired a Bennett witch and what a wonderful job you're doing with Josie. Oh, listen to me! How rude I am. My name's Kristen. I'm his brother Joey's girlfriend. We just stopped by for a visit on our way out."

"Oh, well, it's nice to meet you Kristen," Bonnie acknowledged, unable to take her mind off the fact how perfectly beautiful she was.

"And you as well. I'm sure we'll see a lot more of each other. If Joey isn't here, then Kai's over his house."

"I know, I've been warned," Bonnie said. "Kai...Mr. Parker told me about how they could never seem to stay away from each other for long."

Kristen smirked a bit at the formal use of Kai's name. It was obvious that Kai told her they could be on a first-name basis, but she must've sensed that, with Kristen in the room, to use a more formal address.

"Yeah, well, once that starts you may never see Kai. Unless it's very early in the morning or very late at night. He practically lives at Joey's."

Bonnie just nodded, enjoying the fact that she was pleasant and easy to talk to. Her eyes continued to wander over her stylish clothes.

"Kristen, forgive me if I seem like I'm staring, but your outfit is amazing! I kinda miss wearing clothes like that. I haven't since I was in college."

Kristen's eyes sparkled a bit as they perused Bonnie, as if she were a mannequin to be dressed.

"Well, I don't see any reason why you can't now. Even though you have a long sweater on and pleated pants, you look like you're slim. You could very well carry off clothes like this."

Bonnie blushed a bit. "Oh, well, it's not that I don't think I couldn't, it's just, well, being up to my eyeballs every day with drool and dirty diapers, I don't think they'd be appropriate to wear."

"Yeah, good point," Kristen said. "But, what about when you go out?"

Bonnie rolled her eyes. "Haven't had time for that. Well, actually, I haven't had a chance to make any stable friends in a long time. The good thing about it is that I wind up saving all my money instead of spending it."

Kristen looked aghast. "Oooooh, that's a dirty word with me – save! No, well, actually, it isn't. I just love to shop. The trouble is – Joey hates it. Well, not shopping – just that I like to do it a lot."

Both girls giggled a bit, which caught the attention of two men entering the room.

"Oh, Kristen, I see you've met Bonnie," Kai said.

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