Chapter 17

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The following afternoon, Kai sat in the courtroom beside Tyler with Vicki and her attorney at the table adjacent to them. He and Vicki acknowledged each other briefly with only a look – Kai with a look of audacity and Vicki with one of manipulative intent.

Behind him sat Bonnie along with Joey and Kristen who came along for support. Before the hearing began, Kai turned around for one last look at Bonnie for support. She acknowledged him with a comforting smile that suddenly flooded him wit thoughts of the night before.

After their first, frenzied joining in the game room, they adjourned to his bedroom where they made slower, sweeter love before giving into exhaustion, knowing what today would bring. Although he'd been desiring her, he'd never intended for that to happen. However, the fact that she met that desire, even toppled it, made it impossible for him not to give him.

Last night changed everything about their relationship. He knew that things between them were gonna be different than before, but would her feelings still be the same after this mock marriage was dissolved? As much as he loved and cared for Bonnie, he wanted to be with her and get to know her better before he made any solid commitment.

But how much more time did he need? He already admitted to himself that she'd become more to him in 6 months than Vicki had in 2 years. As much as he felt he could trust Bonnie with his heart, a big part of him that was destroyed by both Vicki and Vicki still made him hold a part back. He didn't want to lose Bonnie by any means. Then again, she signed the marriage agreement and knew that it was only temporary, regardless of the fact that they consummated their union last night.

Kai had to take his mind off that matter for now and concentrate on the one at hand. The judge entered the courtroom and everyone stood until she was seated. Kai saw Tyler wince upon seeing the judge and leaned into him.

"What is it, Tyler?"

"That's Judge Katherine Pierce. Let's just say she's very liberal, especially in the women's rights issues."

Kai leaned back in his chair and threw his head back. "Dammit," he muttered before Judge Pierce's voice spoke out.

"Alright, we're here today for a hearing on the custody of Josette Lyn Parker. The child's mother, Victoria Donovan, is suing for full custody of her daughter from the child's father, Malachai Parker. Now, I usually don't like to see things like this drag on, especially when the welfare of a child is in question. I've read all the preliminary reports on this case and am familiar with the backround. I'll now give counsel their turns to present their cases in a more detailed light. Mr. Salvatore, you may go first."

Judge Pierce directed that order to Damon Salvatore, Vicki's attorney. He stood up, buttoned his jacked and presented his opening statement to the court.

"Your Honor, as you know, it's never been a common practice to keep a child away from its mother. Now, I'm sure as you've read from the documentation in front of you, that my client, the child's mother, had gone through a brief period of confusion and distress shortly after Josie was born. Although the child's father is in charge of his family's business, it was my client's understanding that, once Josie was born, that his main focus would be on raising their child together and eventually marrying. When my client was told by the child's father that he had no plans to marry her, let alone quit the family business in order to have a more stable, secure home life that a child needs, she felt that she was deceived. That's when she went through a minor phase of confusion and depression that normally accompanies new mothers. It was during this time that she composed a letter to the child's father, expressing her feelings of betrayal and uncertainty about continuing on in a relationship with him and even questioning her abilities as a mother. My client realized, soon after she wrote that letter and left Mystic Falls, that she'd made a dire mistake and now means to correct that mistake. She loves and misses Josie dearly and is ready to make amends for the way she acted and wants to be a mother to her. Now, Your Honor, I wish for you to take into consideration Mr. Parker's occupation and the possible affects it'd have on a young child. Since he expressed no desires to leave the family business, it's safe to assume that he'll continue on in the same manner as he has in the past, which is being away from home quite often. Josie will either be left at home in the care of a nanny or dragged all over the country. Neither, I feel, is an appropriate atmosphere. My client lives at home with her mother and offers a safe, stable environment for Josie. Your Honor, it is my expressed desire that you take this critical information into consideration and see fit that full custody of Josette Lyn Parker is awarded to her mother. Thank you."

Mr. Salvatore sat down and looked at Vicki with a smile of satisfaction. Bonnie noticed this from her seat and saw Vicki turn to look at an older woman sitting behind her and wink. The woman responded with a leery, nervous look, one that Bonnie didn't like.

Bonnie also shook her head at the outright lies of his statement. Kai had shown her the letter that Vicki had left for him and in no way did it convey confusion or depression. It sounded like a woman who made a sound, determined choice to leave her daughter and her daughter's father.

She looked ahead at Kai's back. He was leaning into Tyler, who was whispering something in his ear. She then looked up at the judge who was making notes, a stern look upon her face, before she looked up.

"Okay Mr. Lockwood. You're next."

Tyler Lockwood stood up and smoothed out his jacket, preparing to give his opening statement.

Bonnie said a silent prayer as she felt Kristen grasp her hand next to her.

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