Chapter 12

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Josie's first birthday party arrived several days later on a beautiful, sunny, summer day. Although Kai was shaken up by Vicki's phone call a few days earlier, his countenance was quickly lightened at the sight of his mom, brothers and sisters.

While Josie was safe in the hands of his grandma, Bonnie was in her room fighting with Kristen over her outfit.

"I can't!"

"You can!"

"Kristen, I'm not wearing those shorts! They're a little too short. These shorts will do just fine."

Kristen frowned at the twill, pleated, cuffed shorts that just about grazed the top of Bonnie's knee.


"Bonnie, c'mon," Kristen pleaded. "You said you wanted to make a change and, right now, it's time to change out of those frumpy, preppy shorts."


"Besides, you've got great legs!" Kristen took out a pair of shorts. "Alright, how about these? You bought these when we were out, so you must've approved."

Bonnie forgot about the khaki cargo shorts that she bought. "Well, I guess they're safe enough. Remember, as long as I'm here, I'm an employee. I don't want anyone, his mom especially, thinking that her son hired someone too risque looking to take care of her granddaughter. I wanna keep a conservative image."

"Okay, fine, then put these on. And that white tank. White and khaki go good together and your arms are nice, too. As for shoes..."

"I'm wearing my tennis shoes, no questions!"

"Okay, okay, fine. But no socks."

Bonnie rolled her eyes at Kristen playing personal stylist. She quickly threw on the cargo shorts, white tank and slipped into her white tennis shoes. She was about to put her hair up in a ponytail when Kristen halted her.

"No, no. You're gonna hide that gorgeous highlight job. Here, I know it's warm out so let's just put the sides of your hair up."

Bonnie sat there as Kristen fussed over her. When she was done, Bonnie stood up and held her arms out. "Do I pass?"

"Oh please, if you really wanted me to do you up, you wouldn't look fit enough around Kai's mom! More of a racy night out."

"I think I'll have to take a raincheck on that," Bonnie said as they both left the room.

Bonnie ventured outside to Kai's meticulously landscaped backyard where a small gathering took place to celebrate Josie's birthday. She immediately sought out Kai's mom, who had Josie lovingly cuddled in her arms.

"Mrs. Parker, do you want me to take her?"

"Oh, no, sweetheart," Angela Parker said. "I'd like to hold onto her for as much as I can. Pity I don't get to see her that often, but hopefully that'll change."

Bonnie smiled somberly as she remembered a conversation Kai having with his mom on the phone one night. Seems his neighbor has him locked in some sort of legal battle claiming that there's a run off of water from Kai's property that running onto his. Kai was contemplating selling his house here and possibly moving back to Portland and have his mom live with him. Having his mom would definitely help him out with Josie.

The thought of him and Josie leaving someday tugged at her heart, however, she chose not to dwell on it now. Today was a day for happiness and celebration.

Bonnie scanned the yard to see Kai with his siblings talking and laughing together. She'd met Shirica, Jeanna and Keith, their significant others and children when they arrived. They exuded humor and cheer while their significant others were pleasant and personable.

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