Chapter 18

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Tyler Lockwood took a deep breath and began his statement.

"Your Honor, as much as I feel that a child should never be separated from its mother, I believe that there are circumstances and behavioral patterns that should be taken into place before a concrete decision like that is made. Now, I'd like to address each point that Mr. Salvatore has made. First, and foremost, the contents of this letter of confusion and depression as he so calls it. I'm sure you have read the letter, Your Honor, which is contained in the documentation in front of you. Miss Donovan's decision to leave Mr. Parker and their daughter was pretty clear cut. Although she expressed her love and that she'd never forget them, she made it perfectly plain that it wasn't what she thought it was going to be. My client never made any kind of promise to her that he'd quit his profession once their child was born. It may not be the kind of 9-5 job that most people have, but it is his and one that he will continue to hold. As far as saying that my client never had any intention of marrying Miss Donovan is also untrue. My client has informed me that, although he'd never brought up the subject of marriage to Miss Donovan, neither has she. My client, did inform me that he intended to talk to her about it after he finished up with all his obligations in Portland, Oregon where his family originates, however, that never occurred. The day he returned was the day he found the letter from Miss Donovan saying that she was leaving. The letter also stated that she did not want to be contacted which all but solidified that she wanted to sever the ties completely. Now, as far as Mr. Salvatore's concern for my client's occupation and the hazard's it may present to a child, I'd like to say that those concerns are irrelevant. First of all, my client just finish up family business. And since a majority of their work is conducted here in Mystic Falls, Mr. Parker would not be away from home for long periods of time. Now, although Miss Donovan is making an effort to provide her daughter with a stable environment at her mother's residence, I wish to stress that my client's residence here in Virginia is more than stable. Josie was born here and has lived here, in her father's house, for the first year of her life. I also wish to stress that Mr. Parker has recently married and, according to the findings of the court appointed liaison who visited them last week, she found nothing about the atmosphere of the home or the relationship between Mr. Parker and his wife, that she would deem unfit for a child. She also said in her report that Josie appears to be a normal, healthy, happy one-year-old child who seems very comfortable in her surroundings and has taken to Mr. Parker's new wife quite well. Your Honor, in closing, I would like to end by saying that, although Josie's mother should not be denied seeing her, I feel that she should not be stripped away from her normal, routine homelife here in Virginia. I am also concerned about Miss Donovan being a possible flight risk. She's already skipped out on her daughter with nothing but a letter left behind. Who's to say that she won't act that way again. It is my expressed desire that the full custody of Josette Lyn Parker be granted to her father, with Miss Donovan being granted scheduled visitation rights only."

Breathing a sigh of content, Tyler sat back down and turned to Kai who had a very satisified look on his face. He then turned to the judge who looked at him with the same blank stare she had kept on her face all this time before jotting down some notes.

Kai turned around briefly and met Joey's eyes. He nodded in appreciation of him being here and Joey nodded back with a grin. He then looked to Kristen who offered a comforting smile before looking at Bonnie.

Kai felt as if all the pressures of this day were lifted off his shoulders with that look. He just hoped that all that was being said and done was enough for him not to lose his daughter.

Kai reached his arm out to Bonnie across the railing that separated them. Bonnie took his hand and squeezed it as they exchanged loving looks with one another.

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