Chapter 8

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Around 11:30 that evening, Kristen dropped Bonnie off at the gate entrance of Kai's house. She used her code to get in, then walked up the drive and entered her room through her private entrance.

The first thing she did was kick those high heeled pumps off her sore feet, then sat on the bed and rubbed them.

As she did, she reflected on the day and night that just preceded. She never remembered having so much fun before. She and Kristen met up with two of Kristen's friends at Lanigan's in the the centre for dinner, then enjoyed listening to the house coven.

What surprised Bonnie the most was the number of stares she was receiving. At first, she thought they had to be directed towards Kristen and her friends, who were all similiarly dressed in the chic, current fashion. But, when several men came to their table to chat, one of them specifically hit on her. Then, while the coven was playing a slow song, another man asked her to dance, which she respectfully reclined. Then, yet another man, who chatted with her for the remainder of the evening, wound up asking her out. Again, she declined, only because this attention was so new to her and she didn't quite know how to handle it.

Bonnie now wondered why she didn't at least accept the date. He seemed nice enough and they talked enough to get a heads up on each other. She didn't know why she declined.

Oh, yeah, and Kai wasn't the reason.

Or was he?

Bonnie shook it from her mind and just chalked it up to nerves. However, the thought of him made her wonder if he was up or not. She knew that Josie had to be asleep and decided to go and take a peek in on her before coming back, changing and getting ready for bed.

She quietly opened her bedroom door that led to the hall and went to the Josie's room next door. She was peacefully asleep on her back, her head turned to one side with her right hand, curled up in a fist, up by her face. She looked like an adorable, cherubic version of her daddy.

Bonnie blinked, again wondering where that comparison came from. Well, Kai was Josie's father, so of course she'd resemble him.

She reached in the crib and stroked her soft dark brown hair before leaving. She opened the door, stepped back into the hallway and turned – only to come almost face to face with Kai.

"Oh, my God, Mr. P...I...I...Kai. You scared me."

Kai did more than startle her. He caused the air to leave her lungs as he stood there, wearing nothing but a pair of blue and gray checked pajama bottoms. Even in the darkness of the hallway, she made out his incredible gray blue eyes and a twinkling of a silver cross that laid upon his chest. His bare naked chest that led to a bare naked taut midsection.

"Bonnie, I...I...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I heard a couple of doors closing and wondered if it was you coming home. I..."

Kai cut off when his eyes finally made her out in the dimly lit hall. He saw the short, black dress, the smooth skin of her arms, her legs in sheer black hose her...her....her hair.

" something wrong?" Bonnie asked as he cut off his sentence.

", it's just....I've never seen you dressed up before. I um...did...did you do something to your hair?"

Bonnie put a hand to her head, disbelieving that he noticed the changes in her appearance, but suddenly feeling a bit giddy about it.

"Oh, uh, yeah. While out today, I stopped in a salon and got it cut and had them put a few highlights in. big deal."

Bonnie stood there nervously as she watched Kai's eyes peruse her, even as she kept her own eyes from running all over his gloriously naked upper half.

"No, it's looks nice," Kai stammered like a nervous teenager.

Bonnie flushed in the dark. It was the first compliment he paid upon her person, and not her nanny skills, in the three months she's been with him.

"Oh, th...thanks, Kai. I...I hope I didn't wake you. And I hope you're not mad at me coming in at this hour."

"No, of course not Bonnie. 11:30 isn't too late."

"Well, I just don't want you to think that I won't be able to be up in time tomorrow morning with Josie."

"I didn't think that at all.'s a uh...nice dress. Did you buy that this afternoon while out with Kristen?"

Again, Bonnie was taken aback by a personal compliment. "Yeah. Thanks."

Bonnie didn't know what made her more nervous – the fact that Kai was noticing her in a different way, or watching his naked chest rise and fall as he breathed and the play of the muscles below his ribs.

"It looks great," Kai said. " look amazing. was just gonna check on Josie."

"Oh, well, that's what I was doing, too. Habit, I guess. Well, I'm sure she'll have me up early tomorrow. I guess I'll go and get ready for bed. G...goood night, Kai."

"Good night, Bonnie."

Bonnie walked away as Kai opened Josie's bedroom door. He stood there a moment and watched Bonnie walk next door to her room, the sway of her hips through the snug, black dress very apparent, even in the lack of proper lighting.

As soon as she entered her room and closed the door, Kai gulped and realized his breathing was a little ragged. He also noticed something very hard straining against the thin fabric of his pajama bottoms.

Kai rolled his eyes upward, hoping to God that Bonnie didn't notice that. "Oh, God, what's happening," he asked himself. "Dammit, I'm standing here in the dark with a boner staring at my daughter's nanny! What am I doing?"

He was becoming attracted to her, that's what!

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