Chapter 4

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Over the next two months, Bonnie had fallen into a solid routine in taking care of Josie. She hadn't become a full time live-in yet, having to have given her landlord a month or so notice on her apartment. Once the time came, she took what personal possession she had that were transferrable, put her furniture into storage, and moved into the nanny's room that adjoined the side of the house.

One room had a door that allowed her private and entrance and exit to the outside, while another door led to the hallway where Josie's room was just next door where she could be within earshot in the middle of the night. It was an arrangement she felt comfortable with, and so did Kai.

Over time, he became very confident, not to mention impressed, with Bonnie's abilities with Josie. For someone who wasn't a mother herself, she seemed to have a natural instinct. No doubt what she knew she picked up in her time with her previous employers.

The first thing she did was administer that miracle blue gel to Josie's gums to alleviate her painful teething. She always rubbed her gums down after her night bottle so she'd have enough relief so she'd sleep through the night, which she'd been doing since Bonnie took over.

She always made sure she was up, showered and dressed well before Josie usually got up. Once he did, he was usually fed, bathed and dressed by the time Kai emerged. Since his bedroom wasn't on the same level as the upper rooms, Bonnie was able to care for Josie early in the morning without disturbing, however, Kai never slept late.

Kai usually spent his days in leisure, trying to get as much relaxation in as possible before he knew it was time to start thinking about witch business. He never had a doubt about the coven prospering during his leadership, whereas Vicki assumed that he'd throw it away because they had a child. God knows what she would've expected of him if he married her!

Throughout his day, one of his favorite things to do was watching Bonnie interact with Josie. He always set aside a block of time during the day and at night to where it was just him and Josie, giving Bonnie some time to herself. He noticed that she never really went anywhere nor out with friends. It was during this time that he realized how lonely she must be. In truth, he felt the same way. With Vicki gone and his family in Portland, the only people he had here was Josie and Joey.

He was always very comfortable around her and enjoyed talking to her, however, most of their conversation seemed to center around Josie. He had yet to talk to her on a personal level, although he knew that she was probably keeping things between them professional as not to seem like she's prying.

However, the more he didn't know about her, the more he wanted to know. She was really beginning to intrigue him, why he didn't know. She always dressed very plainly and simply in baby proof clothes, wore little or no makeup and kept that gorgeous head of hair of hers clipped up out of Josie's reach. He hoped over time that he'd get to know a little more about her. After all, she is taking care of his daughter.

One day, Bonnie was having trouble putting Josie down for her afternoon nap and literally had to walk her all over the house to lull her to sleep. She ventured into the sitting room that had an antique desk tucked away in the corner.

Upon the desk were various frames of all shapes and sizes with pictures of what she assumed were family and friends. She saw one with and older man and woman she assumed were his parents, and many other people she didn't recognize.

However, one in particular caught her eye. It was one of Kai and a lovely blonde woman in a very intimate pose. She wondered if this was his girlfriend. Or...maybe ex-wife...or...Josie's mother. If it were his girlfriend, she'd never seen her since she came to work for him. Maybe she lives in another state?

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