Chapter 13

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A few days later, Kai sat in the office of his attorney, Tyler Lockwood, as they went over the details of the custody suit. Since Vicki filed with an attorney in Mystic Falls, the hearing would take place here instead of Portland, which worked a bit in Kai's favor. However, regardless of the fact that Vicki showed blatant irresponsiblity the way she up and left, the court system rarely denied a mother's right to her child.

"Tyler, tell me straight out. What are her chances of getting full custody?"

Tyler thought a bit before answering. "Well, I don't see her getting full custody, considering what she did. That's one strike against her and the judge will look at her past actions. However, it may go to joint custody, whereas she'll have the right to see Josie. How often will be based on what the two of you decide."

Kai just shook his head. "Tyler, if she didn't pull what she did I'd have no problem with that. To be honest, I don't think she has any right to her, seeing how she gave it up. Dammit, I have the note to prove it!"

"And that note will be used as evidence in the hearing," Tyler reassured him. "But remember, Kai. Her attorney will also use your being the leader of the Gemini Coven to work in her favor. Taking a child cross-country, or leaving her back home in the care of a nanny may press the judge to award joint custody to Vicki for those times."

"Tyler, I won't need to go back to Portland anytime soon. It's not like I'm gonna take off to Spain or something."

"Well, what's gonna happen when it's time for her to go to school and you have to go back to Portland? Leave her at home with the nanny while you're out there?"

"Tyler, it's my job!"

"I know that, Kai, but it's a job that involves possible risks to a child. You'll be traveling by plane a lot, surrounded by all types of people. It's not the best atmosphere for a child."

"Tyler, Keith was brings Robby with him anytime he leaves to do any coven business."

"Yes, but isn't Keith married? When Robby was on the road with him, I believe Keith's wife was with him. And, when Robby couldn't be with him, I believe his wife stayed behind. Am I correct?"

"Yeah, so what are you saying, Tyler? That my chances would be better if I were married?"

"Well, it'd look more favorable. Since Vicki's from another state, naturally she'd wanna have Josie live with her there, therefore, you'd have to make the travel efforts when you wanna see her. But, since Josie was born in Mystic Falls, spent the first year of her life here and you'd want her to attend school here, naturally you'd want the judge to rule that this would be Josie's home base, making Vicki be the one to have to travel to see her. Perhaps, if you were married and gave more of an appearance of a stable life with your wife caring for Josie instead of tossing her around between sitters and nannies, it may help in retaining the majority of the custody of Josie in Mystic Falls. I'm assuming that Vicki's still single. I don't know of her living arrangements, but I'll investiagate them. Should they not appear as stable, then there's a good chance that Josie's home base would be Mystic Falls."

"If I were married," Kai reminded him.

"Kai, what are you gonna do? Find somene to marry just for this?"

"Why not? Illegal aliens do it all the time to get their green cards, don't they?"

"Yeah, but those are done with explicit arrangements and are annulled quickly afterwards. Even if you do win your portion of the battle in court, if you find someone who'll go along with a charade like that, getting that marriage anulled soon after would only raise speculation and may prompt Vicki to take you back to court."

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