Chapter 1

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Kai Parker reclined his seat back and closed his eyes as his plane took off out of New York. He and the rest of the coven had just initiated a couple members into the Gemini Coven. With a smile of satisfaction, not to mention a wave of exhaustion, he was now on his way back to Virginia.

However, the light shining above him penetrated his closed lids, making it impossible for him to sleep.

" you have to read?"

"Sorry, let me move the light over more," Kai's brother, Joey, said as he maneuvered the little light above more in his direction.

"Thanks," Kai murmured.

"No problem. You're awfully tired."

"Yes, I am. You have no idea how much I can't wait to get home and be normal for a while. I hate being away from my daughter for more than a day."

"Well, now you got the rest of the year, least until we have more with business," Joey said, before pausing a bit. " that you do have time on your hands, what about you and Vicki?"

Kai opened an eye. "What do you mean?"

"What I mean, is...are you gonna get married?"

"I don't know, bro," Kai replied. "I mean, she hasn't pressed the issue, which surprises me. I guess, I don't know, she's just happy with our arrangement the way it is. I know mom's been bugging me to marry her and make an honest woman of her. We've been together for almost three years and she's stayed by my side with everything."

"Yeah, but now she's the mother of your child. Unless you're fine with the idea of keeping it the way it is."

Kai let out a heavy sigh. "It's not that I'm not. I mean, I wanna do what's right and marry her. I got a little old-fashioned sense in me. I want Josie to be legitimate, but..."

"But what?"

"I don't know," Kai said with confusion. "There's something about Vicki that I can't put my finger on. I mean, she hasn't blatantly displayed any kind of warning signs. Maybe that's it. Maybe it's just too perfect. However, the fact that she doesn't bring the idea of marriage up kinda worries me. I know that sounds silly, seeing how Kristen's been hinting for years."

"Well, maybe she's waiting for you to bring it up," Joey finally said. "Now that you're all gonna home as a happy, little threesome, why don't you discuss it with her."

Kai closed his eyes again. "Yeah, that's a good idea. I think I will."

"That's what I'm here for, bro," Joey said. "To come up with the answers to everything."



"Shut up."


Kai entered his house to hear the sound of 7 month old Josette Lyn Parker crying in the backround. He dropped his bags in the foyer and followed the sound into the kitchen, only to find Josie in the arms of her nanny, Caroline, who was startled upon seeing him.

"Oh, God! Mr. Parker, I didn't even hear the front door open."

"I can't see how you would with this little one crying in your ear. C'mere, baby girl."

Kai gently plucked Josie out of Caroline's arms and snuggled her over his shoulder, rubbing his hand up and down her small back. Her crying instantly stopped.

Caroline shook her head. "Ah, nothing like the familiar feel and scent of a parent."

"Tell me about it. Vicki home?"

" She had to go home for a spell, remember?"

Kai looked at Caroline puzzled. "No, I don't remember. She never said anything about going anywhere."

"Oh, well, she contacted me right after you left saying that she had to fly home. Some family emergency."

Kai's mind reeled. "Emergency? She didn't say anything to me about that. She didn't call either. I had my cell phone on the entire time and she knew where I was staying."

Caroline looked worried. "I...I don't know. That was all she told me."

"Did she leave a number where she could be reached?"

"No, she didn't. She left me your number and your mom's number in case of anything."

Kai didn't like the sound of this at all. What was Vicki thinking taking off, leaving a seven month old baby with the nanny and no forwarding number?

"Here, Caroline...take her," Kai said handing Josie back to her. "Let me call around to see if anyone's heard from her or see if she left a note or something."

"Well, I didn't see one, unless she left it in your bedroom."

Kai immediately turned and went to his bedroom. He turned on the light and froze. There, on one of the bed pillows, was an envelope with his name on it. He walked over, retrieved it and tore it open. Unfolding the paper, he read the words in front of him.

Dear Kai,

First off, let me start off by apologizing for how I'm doing this. I didn't have the heart, nor the nerve, to do it any other way.

I want you to know that, as much as I've loved being a part of your life, not to mention a mother to Josie, I unfortunately cannot bring myself to do either anymore. You going to Portland on witch business opened my eyes to what life with you will really be like as long as you're leading the coven. As much as I love you, I can't live like that. much as I love our daughter, I can't be content with staying in this big house all by myself caring for her, while you travel all over the world. I thought being a mother would be a wonderful, thrilling feeling. Alas, it hasn't quite turned out to be as fulfilling as I thought it'd be.

Perhaps I thought that once Josie was born that you'd discover a new set of priorities and put aside your position in the coven. However, seeing how much you love it, not to mention hearing you and your siblings talking about witch business, made me realize that you'll be doing this for as long as you can. Unfortunately, that is something that I can no longer put up with.

I know you probably don't believe me right now, considering the words you're reading, but...I do love you and I'll always love Josie. I guess you can pretty much figure out that I'm not coming back. And...please don't try to find me, Kai. I just can't bear dealing with the emotional aspect of this right now. Caroline's a more than wonderful nanny and she'll help you with Josie. You're not the first single father, and you certainly won't be the last.

Again, tall of an order it is to ask, please forgive me for doing this. I'd rather it be this way instead of staying, only to wind up resenting you and Josie for it.

I promise I'll never forget either of you!

Love, Vicki

Kai sat on the bed absolutely numb from the shock of what he just read. He read the letter three more times to make sure it wasn't a joke. When he was sure it wasn't, the shock of what just happened sunk in.

Vicki had abandoned him. No, Vicki abandoned her own child!

'How could she?' Kai thought to himself as he choked up with tears. 'How could she be so fucking heartless? I knew there was something! I just knew it! But, I didn't think she'd take off and leave her own daughter. I know fathers do that, but I never imagined a mother doing so. Oh, God! I can't believe this. How could that bitch do this to me. Josie.'

Kai ended his thoughts by crumbling the letter in his hands and letting his tears fall.

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