Chapter 10

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Bonnie decided to put Josie down for her afternoon nap in the playpen instead of her crib. She curled herself up in a ball on the couch and pulled out her book to read for a bit, but couldn't concentrate.

The memory of a half naked Kai was the reason.

She put the book down and rubbed her eyes, not knowing where these thoughts were suddenly coming from. Well, after all he was a man, an attractive man, and she was a woman who, well, found him attractive! Nothing wrong with that. Perfectly normal.

Except that she was his daughter's nanny and he was her employer. She shouldn't be having thoughts like this. Well, if he didn't look so damn sexy last night she wouldn't be!

However, he looked just as much to blame last night. Bonnie saw the way he noticed her, dressed as she was. It gave her a tingle all over, not to mention a very restless nights sleep with the thoughts she was having. She knew that she looked more attractive than she did, but she didn't think it'd be enough to warrant such a response from him.

She had to force herself not to think anything of it. He just wasn't used to seeing her dressed like that and was just being polite with a compliment. That's all. She couldn't think this way and jeopardize her job. Maybe she should've accepted that date from the guy she met last night?

She felt a little awkward around Kai this morning while she was tending to Josie, especially after what happened the night before. She'd also just finished giving Josie her bath, so she was dressed in an old t-shirt and shorts which had been soaked with water and baby wash, and she had her newly highlighted hair caught up in a messy ponytail. He probably took one look at her this morning and thought that Cinderella had turned back into a pumpkin.

After Kai left for Joey's, she played with Josie a bit before it was time for her nap. After she put her down, she went to her room to change. She found her seldom worn pair of jeans and decided to put them on. She always preferred cotton to denim, which was much easier to move and maneuver in, especially lugging children around.

However, last night was the beginning of a change and she'd try to continue it. She then rummaged through her stuffy looking tops and found a simple, short sleeved black t-shirt that had a deeper cut neck. She pulled her hair out of the ponytail and fluffed it before spraying it into place with the spray she purchased at the salon, coughing as she accidentally inhaled the foreign substance.

She then pulled out the green liner that Kristen loaned her and lightly rimmed her eyes, marvelling at how much more greener than brown they appeared. She brushed on the pink blush and dabbed some lip shine on. She was just getting used to makeup and didn't want to overdo it, however, she liked how certain features jumped out.

She then planted herself on the couch with her book, which was now discarded. She looked at Josie sleeping peacefully in the playpen and took a cue and closed her eyes as well.


Kai arrived home around 2:00 through his garage entrance. The house was unbelievably quiet, especially with an almost 11 month old around. He saw Bonnie's car parked out front, so he knew she didn't take Josie out and the overcast sky indicated that she wouldn't have taken her for a stroll. Maybe she was putting her down for a nap.

He walked in the house and, thinking Bonnie was upstairs with Josie, walked into the living room. He stopped short when he saw Bonnie peacefully asleep on the couch with Josie in pretty much the same state in the playpen.

Kai smiled to himself and went over to gently shake her awake, if only not to scare her.

"Bonnie," he whispered. "Bonnie?"

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