Chapter 3

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The next three days were a series of bizarre and disatrous interviews with possible nannies for Josie. Three days and three strikes.

Kai had Caroline by his side for all of them, each one more disatrous than the last. One was a woman who looked like she was best suited to run a Nazi boot camp for children. Another was a younger woman who had a fetish for cleanliness. Not that there was anything wrong with that, but, from the moment the interview started till the time it ended, she must've asked to be excused about 4 times so she could go wash her hands. How was she going to handle drool, vomit and...well...a dirty diaper?

The last woman was in her early to mid-thirties, married with no children of her own, but had worked for the same day care facility for a number of years before it closed. She'd worked at the agency for 3 years and came highly recommended, however, the hungry look in her eye whenever she looked at or spoke to Kai told him that she had to be out the door fast! She was married for God's sake! Even if she wasn't, his main concern was a competent, caring, loving nanny for Josie, not a love interest for him. After what was just dumped on him, that was the last thing on his mind.

On the fourth day, Caroline had a received a call at Kai's residence from the agency. Someone had just become available and she was looking for another assignment, possibly permanent, as soon as possible. Caroline had her sent over immediately and hung up the phone, crossing her fingers.

Kai sat on the couch in the living room, his face buried in his hands at the thought of another interview. He needed to find someone fast since Caroline would be leaving in three days. When he heard Caroline answer the door, he braced himself for another possible disappointment.

He saw Caroline walk in with a pleasant smile on her face, followed by a young woman. Kai gave her a quick glance and felt a twinge of hope. She had to be in her early twenties. She was dressed very conservativly in black dress pants, a prim, white blouse with a black blazer and a pair of black two-inch heels. She had wavy black hair that went halfway down her back that was pulled into a low ponytail.

Kai watched her as she looked at him for the first time. He saw her regard him very discreetly with greenish-brown eyes, before she smiled politely.

He stepped forward and offered his hand. "Hello, I'm Kai Parker."

The woman placed her hand in his and shook it. "Yes, nice to meet you Mr. Parker," she said with a sweet, but shy voice. "My name's Bonnie. Bonnie Bennett."

Kai looked down at her small, warm hand in his. She looked to be on the tiny but curvy side, and wondered if she'd be able to handle hauling Josie around, especially if she continues to grow the way she has been.

"Pleasure, Bonnie. Please, sit down. I understand from the agency that you come highly recommended."

Bonnie appeared to blush a bit. "Well, that's very nice of them to say, especially since I've only been with them for around two years. I've had only three assignments with them that lasted several months each, the last one ending two days ago when the wife decided to quit her job and be a full time mom."

"And all three have given you glowing reports," Caroline added.

Bonnie blushed again. "Well, that was very kind of them. They were wonderful people to work for and I loved taking care of their children."

A possible feeling of relief was beginning to overcome Kai. He just didn't want anyone to take care of his daughter, even if he was in a bind. But, so far, Bonnie was beginning to show the first signs of some promise.

"Um, how many children did you care for, Bonnie?"

"Well, I took care of a four-year-old and a two-year-old with my first assignment, a six-year-old with my second, and an infant on my last assignment. I was considered more of a babysitter than a nanny with the infant, since I was only needed during the parents' work hours. But, the wife decided to quit her job and stay home, so I wasn't needed anymore. How old is your child, Mr. Parker?"

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