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A/N: hey it's been forever my children of jesus. ik ik, dont be mad at me. i havent updated in months but I've been focusing on school and more importantly, me, recently. i started writing this chapter too, then like a few weeks ago i stopped writing it all of a sudden bc i got caught up with my boyfriend lmao but i just opened wattpad up and was like "oh shit gotta get to updating" so yeah. take this content while it lasts bc lord knows the next time I'll update (probably in june when i get out of school but you never know and im sorry for that)


The night began to fall as all of you talked the afternoon away. Your worries faded, and everything felt okay again. It was like everything earlier didn't happen. You felt relieved.

Both you and Vernon sat together at a picnic table in silence. You had your head down, resting on your left arm, while you held your phone in your right hand, scrolling through Instagram. Vernon sighed and wrapped one arm around your shoulder, scooting closer.

"You're a little too quiet right now, Y/N." He mumbles, looking at your phone.

"Do you want to talk about something then?" You ask, glancing over to him.

"It'd be nice to talk about your moving situation," Vernon suggested, "but if you don't want to you don't have to."

"I finally got it off of my mind, but if it helps you calm your precious, worried soul, we can talk about it." You reply, sitting your phone down. "What is it you want to know?"

"Why don't you want to go back? I mean, I know you explained some of it earlier, but I feel like there's more to it other than what you said." He implied.

"I met many great people, but I also met a lot of asshole's back in America. It was mainly just my neighbourhood, full of racist, narcissistic kids that bothered me, but if I go back, I'll be reminded of the stupid things people will do and say." You sigh, now getting Vernon's full attention. "I know you can get the same thing here, because after all, we are all human. It's just I feel way better here, because believe it or not, I felt more welcomed into Korea within a week than I ever did back in America."

"Something tells me that's not all, either." Vernon responded, tilting his head. "Did something bad happen?"

You grew silent, playing with the edge of the phone case. Something bad did happen, but you didn't know how to tell him. Then again, if you told him straight forward, maybe he would leave the situation alone.

"So then something did happen." Vernon mumbled. "You can tell me, Y/N. It's alright."

"I know I can tell you, but I'm not sure I should." You reply, sitting up straight.

Vernon removed his arm from around you and reached for your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. "That's fine if you don't tell me now, but I would like to know eventually."

"Eventually it is then," You mumble, leaning your head onto his shoulder. "Can we switch up the topic now?"

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you'd like."

The rest of the night went on with talking, and talking, and more talking. It was a night where you all got to know each other more. You got to know a bit more about all of the members, and honestly, some of the members were total memes. No, correction. All of then were, but some of the members were more chill than the others. It was nice to have such happy, yet funny people in your life now.

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