45) Team Seven's First Mission

Start from the beginning

"Well I..." He started, letting out a huge sigh.

"Please dad!"
"Please old man!" Naruto and I said at the same time.

"How are they not related?" Sakura whispered to Sasuke, who raised an eyebrow, and then shrugged.

"They're both annoying." He whispered back.

"I suppose... I could assign the rest of team seven to your mission (Y/N)." Lord Third said, looking at me.

"WHAT?!" Iruka yelled in sheer panic.

"A C-Ranked Mission?!" Naruto squealed, jumping up to his feet.
"OH YEAH!!!" He yelled, his fist high in the air, as he continued to jump up and down.
"We get a c-ranked mission!! We get a c-ranked mission!!" Naruto began to sing, and do a happy dance, as he jumped up and down, giggling like a mad man.
"We get a-"

"NARUTO!" We all yelled, making him get wide eyed, and quiet. He stopped jumping, and froze in to spot.

"Sorry..." He said with a giggle, before I started to giggle too.

"It's okay bud. Just listen now." I said, as he looked at me and nodded.

"Oh- Kay!" He said with his thumbs up, before looking over at the Hokage.

"Lord Third! You can't be serious—"

"My daughter and Kakashi are very capable of protecting those kids in an S- ranked mission, let alone a C-ranked mission. Trust in their judgement Iruka." He said, making Iruka get quiet.
"Okay, it's settled then. Team seven is here by authorized for this mission." He said, as Naruto and I low-fived each other.

"Alright!" Naruto said quietly and giddily, as I chuckled.

"You will be escorting a man by the name of Mayori Kazu from the Hidden stone village, here to the Hidden Leaf." He stated, as we all nodded.

"Awe!" Naruto whined.
"We are only escorting?! What's so special about this Mayori guy anyways?" He complained.

"Naruto, Mayori is one of the higher ranked men in the Intel division, of the land of stones. We are escorting him yes, but it's your job to protect him from any potential threats." I stated, as he nodded.

"Oh I get it. If anyone tries to hurt him, I'll use my skills to defeat every last enemy. Believe it!" He said proudly, as I ruffled his hair.

"Well..." I said with a chuckle.
"Let's hope it doesn't come down to that. We want this to be a breeze Naruto. Like Kakashi said, it's not always about beating up the bad guys, you'll have your whole life to do that, believe me." I stated, as he sighed.

"Oh alright." He stated, making me smile.

You remind me so much of Obito kid. I'm sure he knows that too.

"Kakashi, (Y/N), I'd like to speak to you privately. Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto, you three are dismissed. Pack your things. You are to be at the gates for dismissal, in one hour. Remember to only pack what you need. A ninja must always travel lightly." My father said, making them nod.

"Yes sir!" They all said, before they left the office, closing the door on the way out.

"YES! FINALLY! GUYS WE HAVE A REAL MISSION!!" We heard Naruto yell, causing us all to chuckle.

"Naruto is something else." I said with a giggle.
"What did you want to talk to us about dad?" I asked.

"Mayori Kuzu." He said, as Kakashi and I crossed our arms.
"He will be carrying a very important scroll, with Intel on a potential new threat." He said.

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