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Emma's POV
I slipped on my white Nike air forces, and fixed my baby blue dress. It fit just above my mid thigh and it has little spaghetti straps on my shoulders.

I love baby blue colors, the color just instantly makes me soft on the inside. But let me tell you about tutus omg, they make me so happy.

It was about 12:40, so I was getting ready to leave. I stepped out of the door, getting into my yellow bug car and driving off. I entered the smell of coffee and sat down at the table that looked the cleanest. I have bad OCD so I had to find the cleanest table.

I sat down for what felt like hours, until I then decided I should order some coffee. I walked up to the register, and looked over the menu. "How can I help you, beautiful?" The kind man asked from behind the counter.

"Thanks I would lik-" i tried to get out but was interrupted by Mr. Prince.

"She would love a strawberry shortcake shake, with extra cherries on top" he insisted and the waiter nodded scurrying back to make my shake. I looked up at Ethan and my jaw went wide.

"Your like the hulk" i said in awe, from how tall he was. I looked at the time and my mouth flew open. "And your an hour late" i pouted, very disappointed in him. He caressed my face in his hand and rubbed my cheek.

"sorry princess, work held me up" he spoke softly. I gave him literal heart eyes, as i turned away to get my drink.

"thank you." i said to the waiter. He nodded and left us free of charge. We walked to our table, Ethan pulled a chair out for me to sit in."For the princess" he said as he watched me sit down, before allowing himself to sit down. Such a gentleman... wait! hes a prince so, such a gentle-prince. I looked up at him as I began to drink my shake.

"don't be shy doll, I don't bite" he whispered but just enough for me to hear. I chuckled and nodded.

"That would be bad if you bit people, because then you wouldn't be a prince... you would be the big bad wolf" I told him honestly. "...And no one likes a big bad wolf" I said crossing my arms over my chest. He stared at me in awe, like I was some kind of dog treat. I mean maybe he is a big. bad. wolf!

"your perfect... are you a little?" He asked which got me all hot in the cheeks. I hate when people make me feel like a little. I'm just not ready to grow up, I wanna spend my days indoors and watch my beast. I sat back a little and nodded shyly.

"Do you know what toys are?" Ethan asked a little to excited.

"yes like barbies and stuffed animals." i said in a duh tone. Ethan shook his head in disappointment.

"No doll..." he paused for a second and took a deep breath. "you've got lots to learn, princess." He shook his head and chuckled.

"well what toys are YOU talking about?" I asked now very curious. He looked up at me grabbing my soft hands and smirking at me.

"you'll find out very soon, babe" he reassured me. I just nodded and leaned forward to get a better look at him. His eyes suddenly became my favorite feature on him; the same color as belle's on beauty and the beast. Shes so pretty sometimes I wish I could have me a beast.

"What are you thinkin'?" he asked me rubbing the palms of my hands, making butterfly's erupt from my stomach.

"your eyes match my favorite princess." I said smiling and showing my teeth. He smiled back at me and winked.

"and who's your favorite princess?" He asked putting his elbows fully on the table, so he could listen closely.

"Belle" I answered, He nodded like he was writing it down in his mind.

"Come with me" He told me standing up and reaching his hand out for me to grab. I listened and took his hand following him out to his white and red jeep.

"wow, snow white colors" I smiled sheepishly, which made him laugh. He opened the door for me.

"all for you doll" he said lastly and hopping in his car and driving off. Yes, I know I barley know Mr. Prince but I can't help but feel like I've already developed a connection with him.

"where are we going?" I asked getting a little tired. He looked over at me a smirked.

"My play room" He said speeding up and gripping the steering wheel.

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