Chapter 15

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Michael's POV:

*She loves him, I mean I don't want to get in the way but I just can't stop thinking about her... Am I a bad person?" you said fighting off tears as the nurse treated your hand. "No hun you aren't a bad person for liking someone." She said as her baby blue eyes connected with mine she rested my hand in hers. "Michael you okay?" Kalel said from the door frame I sat up from the bed wincing as I applied presure to my hand "Yeah I just..." 

"Punched a glass dor, yeah I know" She cut me off the hurt in her voice and she was shaking. Somethings happened. "What's wrong K?" She shook her head and the tears started gently rolling down her face I rushed over to comfort her but she just pushed me away "I can't do this Michael. I need him but they won't let me see him now." Pulling her in for a hug as she rested her head on my shoulder, I know I shouldn't enjoy having her so close to me but I couldn't help it I held her closer to me. 


The world speeded past me as I stood in the road still next thing I know I'm somewhere compleatly different. I'm back at our... Kalel's house she's just lying on the couch staring at the celling, so skinny pale and limp "Kalel?" She just shifted slightly as I walked over placing a hand on her arm accidently sliding up the sleeve feeling a liquid come in contact to my skin I let go and glaced down, blood, she ad cuts all along her arm and red stains on her shirt and thighs. I knew she was cutting where ever she felt was insecure, she always told me how much she hated her stoumch, arms and thighs for so many reasons it was like she described someone compleatly opposit to her when she told me why. "I'm so done I just wish I could join him but Michael won't let me." She muttered sitting up acting like I wasn't standin infront of her. She walked over to the kitchen reaching under the marble surface bringing back up a small blade I ran towards her and shouted "No don't please!" She just ignored me and dragged the blade along her wrist with no emotion on her face not even the slight feeling of pain showing "She's too used to it that it doesn't even hurt her anymore..." I closed my eyes knowing any further attempts to stop he would fail I couldn't watch her doing this. I was about to walk out when I heard a thud I spun around to see her body lying on the floor lifeless, I kneeld beside her and searched for even the faintest sign of a pulse, nothing her heart beat faded away and her eyes closed with a single tear sitting on her cheek. She was gone, she died right infront of me...

Everything just faded and I was back in the street but there was an open door I wondered in. "Babe could you come here a mintue?" You heard a soft voice shout. You walked into the living room where Kalel was standing on a chair attempting to hand up a few decorations when in came me? Wait me? I blinked and saw Kalel and I hanging up the christmas decorations as I planted a kiss on her cheek she giggled when a small figure ran in "Mommy! Daddy!" The small child ran towards my leg, well the version of me that wasn't ignored and confused hugging it giggling "This is going to be our first christmas as a family!" Kalel said excitedly jumping down from the chair and picking up the child holding her close with such love and compassion "First of many I hope." I said holding both girls kissing them gently. That's when it all clicked I'm not dead this is my mind trying to get me to wake up i'm in a coma!" I ran out and stood in the center of the endless street screaming for myself to wake up.


Well this is finda short because another update is coming tonight so :D

Just Hold On Till Tomorrow - Ashton Irwin Fanfic [On Hold/ In Editing]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz