Chapter 7

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Kalel's POV:

I hardly slept last night, the direct message I got haunted my dreams. 'I hope you get paid well to pretend to care about anyone,' 'You know what else is rude? stealing someone's boyfriend while you are dating his best frined!' The messages haunted my dreams bouncing across my mind. I walked over to my laptop at around about 12 'o' clock to see if I had anything new on twitter. being as silent as I possibly could to not wake up the sleeping angel of a boyfriend I had. I scrolled through a few of the worlds trending topics and saw another hurtull hashtag KalelIsPayedToCare I sighed and scrolled through the tag trying to find who started it it seemed endless full of hateful teets and a few defending me 'Omg Kalel is so payed to be with Ash! :'( My poor bae just can't see that she that #KaledIsPayedToCare @Ashton5SOS give up on trying to get her to love you she is heartless and you're too good for her!' My eyes well up as I begin to sob silently tears fall on my laptop keys as I continue down the tag '#KalelIsPayedToCare Ash get rid of her!' It hurts so much to have people you don't even know me hate me and want me dead... I sobbed and sobbed reading the hateful comments 'She doesn't even look like she loves him! Ash she is using you for money!' I closed the lid of my laptop and went downstairs to the guest bathroom. I found a pack of razors and quickly dismantled the it I had got used to it by now it's not something i'm proud of but I couldn't help it. I swiped up the blade and dragged it along me wrists, legs and stomach coverd in the red liquid cutting reminds me of painting the blade is my paintbrush, my body is my canvas, my blood is my pint and the scars are my creations. Slightly wincing from the bursts of pain as I dragged it along my skin 'I don't deserve to live I'm worthless...' 'I hate myself i'm ugly, fat, worthless i'm not good enough...' I cried to myself I dropped the blade that was now stained red anf flushed it down the toilet I attempted to dry up all the blood but the door suddenly opened and there he stood, the reason I didn't end it all a long time ago, my boyfriend's expression grew worried as he rushed over to see the damage I had commited to myself. At first he only saw my wrists but he forced me to stand up and then saw my legs and stomach still stained with my blood. He looked up at me and his eyes filled with tears. 'Why? You promised me you'd stop!' His voice rose to a shout as I cower moving backwards his voice filled with rage and concern. 'I'm sorry...' I mutter 

'Sorry? Sorry! That's all you can say! Sorry! Kalel you promised me you'd stop doing this to yourself! Why do you do this to me? Your not only hurting yourself but you're hurting me!' He walked out of the bathroom dragging me by the hand 'What made you do this?' I pushed my heels into the floor refusing to move 'I'm not good enough Ashton even your fans think that!' I dropped to my knees and winced in pain as the material rudded on my fresh cuts. 'I'm sorry Ash I just I just...' You couldn;t say it not to him he kneeled infront of you and looked you right in the eyes. God how his eyes had such an effect on you 'You just what Kalel? Thought it would make things better? Well guess what it doesn't and it never will!' He got up grabbing a jacket and walked out leaving you crying on the floor. 

Ashton's POV:

I couldn't face her right now so I just walked out mentally beating myself up for leaving her crying on the floor 'God I just don't know what to do anymore. How can she love me if she hates herself enough to harm herself instead of talking to me about her problems!' I mutter walking along the dark streets at midnight  I walked around for what felt like forever but really was 2 hours and then finally went back biting my lip I felt bad for leaving her like that but I just can't take her harming herself it hurts so much and I know why she cuts it's because of the 'fans' sending her hate so it was my fault... All my fault. Mine I made her come to this. Me... 

I got back and she just sat there on the floor motionless and staring at the blank wall 'Are you okay?' I mentaly slap myself Stupid question! 

She just ignores me and glares at the wall with sad eyes... I did this to her... 

'Kalel we need to talk but first go and try get some sleep please.' She just sat there so I walked over placing my hand on her waist attempting to lift her up but as soon as I did I stared in to her blue eyes and kissed her passionetly. I then carried her upstairs and rested her small figure on the bed tucking her in. 'I'll see you in the morning kitten.' I said wrapping my arm around her as she drifted to sleep in my arms.

I was just about to drift off when I heard a bleep coming from the corner of the room where her laptop was Hmm maybe she forgot to turn it off before hse went to bed I walked over and sat infront of the laptop. Reading the contents of the page... Seeing a (1) next to the direct message icon I clicked it and read the message

I quickly scimmed through the messages and then read the new message

@KellyIsQueen: Haha hope you like the hashtag I started see how many people hate you as much as I do? Now if that isn't enough to make you commit then I'm working on something that will make you wish you were never born you worthless waste of space! 

I stared angrily at the screen and replied.

@KalelK: Excuse me? Who the hell do you think you are sending my girlfriend messages like this and starting pathetic hashtags and telling her to commit? What the hell is wrong with you! What you're doing is heatless and you clearly haven't thought through how much the things you are saying can effect not only Kalel but the people around her! For gods sake could you be anymore pathetic. You're the waste of space -Ashton.

@KellyIsQueen: Oh the princess getting her boyfriend to stick up for her? How cute now just tell her she should commit and the world would be a better place bye! 

@KalelK: She is sleeping right now and why would I tell my girlfriend that? Think your insults through at least. 

@KellyIsQueen is typing....

'Ash? What are you doing? Get off my laptop! I heard Kalel rushing over shutting the lid of the laptop and hugging it to her chest. 'Too late I know what's happening. Why didn't you tell me? I could have helped...' I looked over to her she was covered in scars and it made my heart sink...


Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter and what do you think of what's happening with Kalel do you ship Kashton? Or do you think that if she can't love herself she can't love him? Let me know in the comments C:

P.s enjoy this gif of Ashton saying You're perfect because Everyone is perfect and amazing in their own way! Ily all 

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