Chapter 11:

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Your POV:

"Oh my god!" You scream as Ashton comes running to see what happened you sat there staring at your laptop screen in awe "What's happened you okay?" He looks at you with a worried expression as you stare up at him pointing at the screen showing an email.



Hi Kalel we read you application and we would love if you joined our beauty team at Fashion4HimAndHer! Please click the link below to read more information about where and when you start working for us!

From the Fashion4HimAndHer Crew x

Link: http//:fashion4himandher/information/employee/KalelK-beautyteam

He stared at you in happiness as you cluck the link scanning the page until it hit you.

Where: New York, America

When: June 22 2014

"Ash..." He looked up at you now with sadness he knew what was coming. "But you've wanted this job for so long don't let me interfere please." You could feel the hurt in his voice as see the tears brimming in his eyes "You're so much more important to me though Ashy." He hugged you and walked out with staring at the floor.

They wanted you to move to New York, you and Ashton lived in Australia so you'd never see each other....

But you've wanted this job for 3 years now

But your engaged to Ashton and if you leave what will happen?

So many questions rushed through your brain knocking you sick, you couldn't leave him but he wouldn't leave Australia and you hated the idea of turning down this opportunity. Maybe you could make it work? This was the only thing you've wanted after all...

You sat there for hours just berating what to do.

Ashton's POV:

"She's going to leave me, she wouldn't turn down that job it's her dream." I said almost in tears talking on the phone to my best friend Michael

"Mate it's gonna be okay you aren't going to loose her it's not like she's going to move away and find someone a lot hotter than you and... He was cut off as you heard a groan of pain "Ow Calum!" There was muffled speech on the other end if the call you could just make it out between your sobs. Michael made it worse what if she did find someone better and hotter than me? You ran to the bathroom slamming the door shut and locking it.


What's gonna happen? Leave it in the comments below hope you liked this chapter and yeah I kinda lied about the book being over or almost over don't worry there's still A LOT more to come :3 You aren't getting grid of it that easily BYEEE x

And by the way all the gmail accounts and links in this are things I've thought I made up if they are reL accounts or websites or whatever oops #sorrynotsorry and what do you all think Ash is gonna do?

Just Hold On Till Tomorrow - Ashton Irwin Fanfic [On Hold/ In Editing]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu