Chapter 3:

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Ashton's POV:

Kalel has decided to cuddle me because she gave luke her penguin teddy. I was kinda getting worried there the way he was staring at her. The door flew open and a blonde girl who I recognized as Luke's girlfriend barged in 'LUKEY YOU DIDN'T CALL ME BACK!' Exclaiming in a squealing voice 'God Lukey Pookey why didn't you call the girl back?' Mikey teased 'Excuse me I have a name and it's Kelly!' She said bitterly to Mikey as she scanned the room 'Lucas Robert Hemmings you've been watching a stupid film when you where supposed to be out with me?' Luke rolled his eyes 'Kelly I do have a life outside of our relationship you know?' Her eyes caught mine I was sitting next to Ashton and Luke on the couch biting my lip 'Wow Luke you brought some ugly girl into your apertment? Ash move away from her you don't know what she might have.' I glaced at Kalel and whispered 'it's okay' but by the way she was standing up and going towards the door in a jacket I knew she didn't hear me 'Kalele don't go.'

Kalel's POV:

You don't know what she might have. I grabbed a jacket and walked to the door 'Kalel don't go.' it as Ashton I jus carried on walking out of the apartment and downstairs thank god I grabbed a jackt it's freezing! I sat on the stairs holding my head in my hands. Why am I still even here? It's useless staying alive, I'm usless... Should I just end it all? All the pain, suffering, depression and constant hate, all gone feeling nothing... I was disturbed by my thoughts when a hand rested on my shoulder I looked up to see his bright green eyes 'Don't you even dare Kalel I'm not letting you end your life.' He had a worried/concerned tone 'I wasn't!' I tried to sound like nothing happened but it was useless 'You think outloud at time you know and this time was one of them.' He grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a hug 'You can't do that to him or yourself.' I nodded as we walked back to the apartment.

Luke's POV:

I can't take this anymore I can't take her anymore! I stood up and confronted her 'Don't you ever dare talk like that to Kalel again we're through now get out and don't come back!' I yelled as her expression changed from shock to anger 'Are you breaking up with me? How could you all I ever did was be a good girlfriend to you and this is how you treat me! Ugh you're just as worthless as that creature that was in here and minute ago! I can't believe you!' Pointing at the open door I ignored her insults as she walked away cussing and screaming. Glad I escaped that!

Ashton's POV:

Mikey went to talk to Kalel to try and talk her back because I wouldn't be any use the way Kelly spoke to her telling me to move away from my girlfriend because I don't know what she's got! How could she even not think for a second how much that could effect anyone! Well I certainly am glad I never have to see her again Luke isn't even bothered about the break-up he seems happier... Then she walked back in huggin into Michaels side shivering.

Michael's POV:

She's so cold and beautiful... Wait no stop Michael you can't think about her like that she's Ashton's girlfriend, but she's so perfect I wish I could hold her forever... Snap out of it! We got back in and she was shivering she walked straight over to the couch wrapped up in her over sized jacket then Ashton pulls her close to him I couldn't help but stare and think about how much I wish that was me.

Oooooo We've got a little problem! Michael loves Kalel but Ashton loves Kalel. What's gonna happen? well find out in the next chapter!

Just Hold On Till Tomorrow - Ashton Irwin Fanfic [On Hold/ In Editing]Where stories live. Discover now