Chapter 1

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You and Ashton have been dating for a year. You both loved each other so much but you haven't seen him for a month now ever since his band 5 Seconds Of Summer became a well know band he's been going to so many interview all over the world plus touring with One Direction.

You scroll through your twitter and see your usual feed but something sticks out today in the trending worldwide box... #KalelIsntGoodEnoughForYouAsh. As you tried to fight back the tears you put the laptop away but it was still plastered infront of your eyes. YOU'RE NOT GOOD ENOUGH. You sit on the bed hugging your knees as the tears fall landing on your old scars. Ashton knew you used to cut earlier in your relationship but he stopped you and made you flush all the blades he knew of but you hid a set in a box for your ear rings incase you felt the need to ever start again. You reached for the box of earings Ashton gave you and pulled out the fome underneath was 4 blades sharp enough to tear your skin. You grabbed them and walked to the bathroom closing the door and sitting in the bathtub, you began one slice another and another you stopped at 15 cuts looking at the red liquid flowing down from your arm one more can't hurt you thought to yourself placing the blade above a vien in your arm whispering things like 'I'm not good enough for him' 'He doesn't need me' and slided the blade over the view on your arm when suddenly you heard the front door spring open and a shout 'Sweetheart! I'm home!' you dropped the blade and got out the tub 'Where are you sweetie' Ashton shoutued up 'I er i'm in the bathroom don't come up' your voice was shaky as you tried to whipe up the red stains surrounding where you sat. 'Awh babe it's not like I haven't seen you n...' he trailed off as the door swung open revealing a not mad but worried Ashton. He rushed over as his eyes sparkeled with tears 'Kalel why? You promised me you'd stop!' You had fallen to your knees at this point feeling dizzy and weak then you collapsed. You heared him crying but you couldn't force your eyes open then everything was silent...

Two days later

Your eyes slightly open just enough to see a your boyfriend Ashton sitting holding your hand between his with red stained puffy eyes you squezed his hand to let him know that you're now awake his head instantly raised and as your eyes met his that a glisteing with tears he rushed over and hugged you holding your head close to his chest in a protective way 'I thought I'd lost you why did you do that to me?' You sign and explain the tred that you saw. 'Kalel why would you even think you're not good enough for me if anything I'm not good enough for you I can't be there for you and you did this because of me.' A single tea rolled down Ashton's cheek. He sits back at the side of your hospital bed you both sat in silence waiting for the nurse to allow you to be dismissed.

After the nurse had spoken to Ashton and left. Ashton picked you up and carried you to the car the drive took 15 minutes you didn't know where he was taking you because the drive to your house should have only took 5 minutes... 'Ash where are we going?' you asked silently 'To the boys' apartment.' You bit your lip you didn't want Michael, Calum and Luke to see you like this it was bad enough with Ash... 'D do we have to?' your voice was shaky from fighting off tears 'Yes.' His reply seemed kind of forcful like it was a message for me to stop talking but that didn't stop me. 'Ashton listion if you don't trust me to be alone just say it!' I felt angry at him now but I didn't know why I wanted to just cry but I stood my ground and when he got caught at the next traffic light Ashton turned his head to look at me 'It's not that I don't trust you it's that I'm well I'm...' He wiped his eye 'I'm scared i'll loose you if you see what's happening on twitter...' This struck me like a blow to the stoumch so I just sat there trying to the the courage that never came until we got to the apartment 'Whats happening on twitter?' He gave me a worried expression and knocked at the door labeled Room 18 'I'll show you just please don't let it get to you okay?' He hugged you as Michael opened the door 'Are you guys coming in or are you just gonna stand there?' He said in a teasing voice. Me and Ash walked in and went straight over to his laptop opening Twitter he covered the screen with his hands and turned to me 'Are you sure it won't effect you?' I bite my lip and whisper 'I can't promise but I can try' he nodded and uncovered the screen. #KALELSHOULDCOMMMIT #ASHTONLEAVEKALEL #KALELMUSTDIE #ASHTONISTOOGOODFORYOU #KEEPCUTTINGKALEL #KALELDESERVESDEATH My eyes well up with tears. 'What did I do to deserve this?' My voice was shaking now and I began sobbing into Ashton's sholder as he comferted me 'Nothing they just want to be you.' I shake at those words and whisper 'No they don't, they want me dead Ash.'

And that's it for chapter one hope you all like it and part two will be posted as soon as I can be bothered really xD bye

Just Hold On Till Tomorrow - Ashton Irwin Fanfic [On Hold/ In Editing]Where stories live. Discover now