Chapter 9

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3 Months Later....

Your POV:

"Ash! I've got to go to work i'll be back at 8!" You shouted upstairs to Ashton who was only just waking up. Your wrists catch your eye as you grab your car keys, you've been clean ever since he drew that butterfly on your wrist it really helped. Whenever you were thinking of cutting you reminded yourself that you'd be harming a small innocent butterfly which made you ignore the craving for pain and wait for Ash to get home you spoke about how you felt with him everyday now and it just got so much easier. You got a job in a DvD shop like he had before he joined a band, every weekend you would bring back a new movie to watch and have a movie night sometimes just you and him but most of the time the other boys were invited over and you just had a laugh. 

Ashton's POV:

I woke up to her shouting she's going to be back at 8 from her new job. It makes me happy that she felt happy enough to get a job without feeling insecure she was getting better she hasn't cut for 3 months and I'm so proud of her for it. My phone flashed distancing me from my thoughts, it was a text from Luke 'Mate get packing we're leaving for the airport tomorrow!" My eyes widened I compleatly forgot about the tour! I spend all day packing and planning how I'm going to tell Kalel without her getting upset.

8 'o' clock

"Ash! I'm home and I've got Frozen!" She said hugging me excitedly. Great she's happy and I'm going to have to give her bad news and it's just going to make her unhappy! "Kitten... I've got to go back on tour tomorrow." I said quickly getting straight to the point she looked down at the DvD case in her hand and sighed "Can I go to the airport with you?" I nodded pulling her in for a long hug "Don't be sad be strong for me okay?" She nodded and handed me the DvD "Let's let it go for now and watch Frozen!" She laughed and I raised my eyebrows realising her joke as I walk over and put the disk in then I sit next to her on the coahc as she presses the play button.

The Next Day- At The Airport

Ashton's POV:

She was crying at the airport as they called my flight "Bording for  flight b-182 has started." The echoing announcment. We exchanged goodbyes and I love yous "I'll call you everyday at 10 okay?"  and she cried again as they finally closed the plan door and I could bearly hold it all inside. I just began sobbing loosing all control "I'm gonna miss her so much!" I sobbed good thing we were on a private section of the plane or I'd be a laughing stock but they boys understood why they knew I was scared I'd come home and she would hae hurt herself gain because I wasn't there or worse she might not even be there... "I wish I was beside her and never had to leave..." They comforted me and calmed me down.

Kalel's POV:

I managed to stop crying and went back to my empty home alone... I wasn't going to be sad for him and myself I've gotten to a better point in my life and I wasn't going to let it go so quickly...


Hey guys I have one more chapter of this and it's over  D: 

Just Hold On Till Tomorrow - Ashton Irwin Fanfic [On Hold/ In Editing]Where stories live. Discover now