"You're hiding something," she said in an icy tone, shaking her head back and forth. "Stop it."

"Kimberly, I can't!" I retorted frantically, clenching my fists and getting up as well. "It's the truth!"

When I tried to touch her, she slapped my hand away.

"Don't touch me," Kim droned in a frigid manner, stepping forward with enraged hazel eyes; I flinched and backed up. "You think I didn't know something was off about you? You think I'm still some dumb little girl who believes everything she hears?!"

"Eh?" I whispered, staring at her with a blank, stunned face. "Kim... no!"

"You're a fucking moron, Aerin!" she hissed, leaning down and glaring deep into my eyes with tears brimming in her own. "You really think I didn't notice something wasn't right?! That you get burns in the sun, that you seem to go off on random nights and vanish without taking the car, or that you don't eat or drink anything, like, ever?"


"Don't make me laugh!" she snapped. "You've been different for years! Always hiding your face from people, never smiling like you did when we were kids! God, you're the one who doesn't know anything... for someone so smart, you can be really stupid sometimes, but that's why I've stayed in this shitty apartment with you so for many years! Not anymore, though! I'm done!"

"W-what are you saying?" I asked in a robotic tone; I didn't understand what was going on anymore. "What do you mean by that?!"

"I mean, Aerin, that I'm done with this," my sister sarcastically enunciated, face contorting into a snide expression. "Your mouth is fucked up, and I don't know when or how it happened, but something isn't right with your teeth and I don't feel comfortable staying here. Especially if you've turned yourself into a drug addict--"

"That's not true!" I cried, eyes widening with hurt. "That's not true at all! I'm not a druggie! I don't do drugs! I'd never hurt you, Kim, ever! You're my little sister! I mean it, I love you!"

"Maybe you're right," Kim said simply, making my heart skip a beat; then, giving me the smile she always had, she let out a laugh. "But that doesn't change the fact that you're not normal."

"I've never been normal!" I cried, clutching her hands, but she pulled away. "Kim!"

But her eyes were cold. She looked down at me with a clenched jaw and no feeling.

"Mom was right," she said, lip curling into an expression I'd grown up seeing. "You really are a freak."

With that, she walked away and headed back towards her room. I, on the other hand, couldn't do anything but stand where I was: my eyes had gone blind, my mind had gone blank, and my heart... 

It was cracking.

Right down the middle.

When I slowly turned my head, my unfocused eyes landed on Kimberly's retreating form, and as I stood there the world went silent in my ears. There was no more whirring of the fan on the window. There were no more sounds from my computer. There were no more rustles from the suitcase she was packing right in front of me.

Everything was dead silent.

In that small moment of time, there was no sound. 

That is, aside from my already fractured heart breaking into a million pieces and tinkling down into the darkness of my soul like bits of broken glass. 

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