Gerudo desert

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Malon POV:
In the morning, me and link packed everything we would need for the next week or two. Lanterns, snacks, 2 water flask, rupees, apples for the horses, a blanket, and a sword for safety reasons. After getting prepared we set off to Gerudo desert. From morning to noon we rode our horses, and decided to make a stop at lake Hylia. We set out apples for the horses and placed them by the lake so they could drink while me and link walked on a bridge.
"How do you feel about traveling?" I asked Link as we held hands.
"It's ok... but then again I don't think I've ever really traveled for fun, until now," he said smiling at me. But through his smile I could see that even now, he did not like traveling.
"Link are you sure you want to do this? I know you've been everywhere already, and I don't want to make you uncomfortable with your past."
"My past has nothing to do with me and you now, I want to do this. If anything the new experiences I'll have with you, will change the way I remember these places for the better."
I placed a kiss on his knuckles, before saying:
"let's catch a fish to eat," leading him to the fishing pond.
Link POV:
Truth is I don't like traveling. Everyone sees me as a traveler because I've been to so many places, but it's never been by my own will. I was always going to fight something, or find something. On top of that, every where I went had suffering. People were desperate, sad, and lonely; oblivious to their dark fates.
        Every since I left Termina, I began to value stability and the thought of a family. Just staying in one place, and living. I hope that this will eventually be me and Malon at Mabel Village, but as of now I don't mind traveling with her.
        At the fishing pond, I caught a huge brass and as it swung around it ended up slapping Malon.
           Me and Malon practically died of laughter at this, as the Merchant stared blankly. Malon was on the floor as I hovered over her, holding my stomach.
      In between laughs she said:
    "I can't believe I really.....just got.... slap-...slapped by a fishhh."
          Eventually we came to a stop, and left the fishing pond to cook the fish. Before we left Lake Hylia we went inside the laboratory where we met a crazy scientist. It was weird....
Malon POV:
          We arrived at Gerudo valley just before sundown. The sky had a orange haze, and the heat hung still in the air. Vulture-like birds sat comfortably on the cliff tops by a huge waterfall, waiting for prey.
          We came to a stop by a tent with a few carpenters, tying our horses to the post.
         As Link feed the horses and caught water for them, I admired the area. Despite the heat, it was very beautiful.
     Me and link decided to camp out in the valley for night, that way we could spend a full day at the fortress. As the night progressed it became chilly, and me and Link huddled together for warmth but by morning it was hot and arid. One of the carpenters offered to take care of our horses as we continued, since it would be harder for them to travel. We walked and walked until we were finally at the fortress.
      It was made of rounded grey stones, and had square openings for windows and doors with sheer curtains. As me and Link got closer we were approached by a tall dark skinned woman. She had amber eyes, long red hair that was in a ponytail, and airy loose-clothing.
    "Link! It is nice to see you here, and you brought a friend I suppose," she said in powerful voice with a wink.
      "Yes my wife, Malon, we're traveling across Hyrule and this is just our first destination," he said taking my hand in his.
        "Good choice," she said with a sly smile. "My name is Nabooru," she said extending her hand toward me, "I'm the chief of the fortress."
      "Nice to meet you, my name is Malon," I said giving her hand a shake.
      "Your hair... it's red like ours," she said reaching out to touch it. "You must secretly be one of us."
        "Maybe so," I said shyly.
         "Hm, well follow me, I'll bring you to your quarters."
      She stopped walking for a second and said, "You too Link, I'll make an exception."
         Nabooru led us to an empty bedroom room in the fortress. It had a canopy bed in the middle of the room, that had sheer cream curtains, and red silk bedding. On the right wall was a mirror, and below it a chest for our belongings. At the side of the entrance, there was a lantern that dimly lit the room.
       "Remember this room, it is where you'll stay. There is an oasis just outside of the Fortress if you need anything, and Malon, would you like to spend a day with me?"
      "Of course."
       I gave Link an apologetic smile as Nabooru lead me out of the room.
        First she gave me a tour and introduced me to the other Gerudo women, who were all kind. We ended up going to their treasure room, where she showed me chests full of ruppes, gems, and important jewelry. Afterward, she introduced me to archery at a near by bow shop.
           "We are going to be relocating soon," she said randomly.
        I set down my bow and faced her. She was sitting on a wooden barrel looking down at the sand.
          "Why? you've always been here?"
         I questioned, taking a seat next to her.
            "Tensions are still high between us and the royal family. Even though Ganondorf is out of the picture, we still have to regain their trust and prove our loyalty."
           "And you have to do that by leaving?"
        "Essentially. We won't really be 'leaving' though, more like going further into the desert. It was ordered after the battle... not all of us were on Ganondorf's side..."
           By sundown me and Nabooru returned to the fortress and went into their main kitchen. There were no more than 10 women in the room and they were making dinner.
      "What they are making is creamy heart soup, it's a traditional Gerudo dish."
       "Join in," one of the women beckoned.
         Nabooru helped prepare the soup, while I joined a women named Ashai kneed the bread that goes with it. When the food was finished, everyone including Link went into their large dining hall. The table was already set and I grabbed a seat next to Link, as Nabooru made her way to the head of the table. She made a toast to prosperity, and people went around spreading the servings-while joking and telling crazy stories about their day. It was very family like here at the fortress, with never a dull moment.
          Afterward everyone went outside by a fire and danced. They were playing a lively Gerudo tune that had everyone on their feet. I had noticed that some of the carpenters we seen at the valley joined in, carrying bottles of liquor. Me and Link clapped to the music and watched the people dance, until Nabooru grabbed my hands and said:
" you should be apart of this."
   "No-I don't think so, I could never dance like you and the Ladies."
     "Yes you can, all you have to do is move you hips to the music. But first I need to put you in the proper Gerudo attire."
        She lead me to her room where she dug through her huge closet until she found a purple set.
         "You would look amazing in this. Here-put it on, I'll meet you out there."
         Once she left I removed my clothing and slipped into the pants. It loose around my legs and tight at the waist, almost resembling a skirt except it cuffed at the ankles. On the waist line of the pants was a jeweled gold belt, with tiny gold shingling that moved when ever I did.  I then put on the matching top that was made of a stretchy material. It was long enough to cover and support my breast, but my belly and shoulders were completely exposed. Lastly, I put on the pointed tip shoes and placed my hair in a high ponytail tail, leaving out my bangs.
       I was shocked by my reflection, as I stared at my feminine figure in awe. I felt sexy and confident, and when I went back to the bond fire I received cheers from the ladies on my new look. As I approached Link I seen his eyes travel all over me.
         "You manage to look good in everything, don't you?" He asked teasingly while taking my hand.
         "I try," I said taking a seat next to him. One of the carpenters handed him a bottle of liquor and walked away. Confused at first, Link just stared at it, but then he took it from the mans hands and thanked him.
         "Why not," he said popping the cap off and handing it to me.
         " ladies first."
          I took a big gulp, unaware of the fact that it was nothing like wine. I was immediately met with a burning sensation in my throat, and coughed in response.
            "Take it easy," Link said rubbing my back as I let out my last cough.
             "You could have warned me," I said wiping a tear from my eye as he chuckled.
              "I thought you knew from your father," he said looking at me with a smile, "you're suppose to take measured sips."
              "You've done this before?" I asked, raising a brow at his knowledge.
              "No, but I've met a lot of people who have," he said taking a sip.
      "Ah, that's disgusting," he said sticking his tongue out at the after taste.
         I laughed at his reaction, and laid on his shoulder as we took turns with the bottle. As I looked around I seen people dancing, making out, laughing, and playing music. One of the musicians started playing a slow, sensual tune and the others joined in. They slowly pounded the drums, whipping their hand over it to make a snake like sound. There was occasionally a simmer of a tambourine, and the continuous sound of a flute.
            The women began dancing slowly, matching the music and moving different parts of their bodies according to so.
       From across the fire I seen Nabooru dancing, and when she noticed me she fingered for me to come toward her. I handed the bottle to Link and walked over. She grabbed my hands and lifted them, signaling for me to sway my hips like hers.
          Letting my hands down gently, she told me to feel the music. I listened closely to the music while still staring in her eyes. Eventually, I harmonized with the music and was able to take things into my own hands. I spun, caressed, swayed, shook, and twist. I felt very loose and alive as I danced and heard the jingling of my belt.
        "Psst," Nabooru hissed. I turned to face her, still dancing as she whispered, "someone's watching you." She gave me a cunning smile and turned away.
         I scanned the area and saw people occasionally looking but not staring. My eyes then settled on Link, who in fact, was staring. His collar was loose and his golden hair hovered just above his eyes that were fixated my movements. I watched as he took a sip of alcohol, leaning back in his seat by the wall.
       I gave him a suductive look as I reached up to pull my hair from the ponytail. As my hair fell across my frame, I walked slowly toward him, and people woo'd.
         When I finally reached him, I bent down and took the bottle from his hand. Setting it down as I planted a sweet kiss on his lips. I pulled away and looked in his eyes that burned with desire.
        I let my hand travel up and down his thigh as the another pulled his head toward me. Cuffing his hair between my fingers as he pulled me onto him; separating my thighs on his waist. I began to feel him while kissing his neck softly, and he pushed his head up against the wall.
                When I looked up, he grabbed face and kissed me hard, his tongue demanding entrance.

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