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Malon POV:
          The next morning I woke up to an empty bed. The corner where Link set down all his stuff was empty, and on the side he slept on was a note that read:
           Dear Malon,
thank you for quarting me for the night. I'm heading back to the forest where my home is. I left Epona here because I figured you would want to spend time with her, and I will be back before sundown.
- Link
After reading the note, I got dressed and headed outside. I was extra happy and the sun was bright and shining; good things were finally happening. I was tending to the horses and while doing so I was approached by my Dad:
"So I heard Link is back."
"How do you know?" I said squinting.
"Because-the people like to talk," he laughed. "I also heard you were yelling at the kid. I'd thought you'd be the happiest girl in Hyrule to see him."
"And why is that?" I said trying to contain a smile.
"Because you like him," he replied with a smirk and I immediately went into denial.
"Yeah you do-remember when you were a kid and you told me."
"Yeah and I was a KID," I playfully shot back at him.
"Mhmmm, well people don't change that much dear," he said as he walked away.

When I was a kid, I use to have a small crush on Link. It wasn't anything huge, I just thought he was cute. When he went on his journey the little feelings I had were casted into the shadows. But now that he's back, might they come back out into the light?

At noon I rode off with Epona into Hyrule field. Off in the distance, I could see where Lon Lon ranch once stood, but I didn't go near it. Instead, I road to where the forest began. I knew that by the time I got there Link would be heading out from the note he left earlier. In Epona's pouch I had a bottle of milk and sweet bread to share with Link.
When I got to the entrance of the forest Link was just walking out.
"You had to come find me, didn't you?" He teased.
"Of course," I said hoping off of Epona. I reached into Epona's pouch and got the glass of milk and sweet bread.
        " I figured you would have been hungry."
He walked up and thanked me as I handed him the food.
"You wanna see what I've been doing all this time?" He asked with a charming smile.
"Sure-but are these woods not cursed?"
           "Not anymore," he said offering his hand as support as I dismounted Epona.

He guided Epona and I into the forest where we crossed a short bridge and went through a tree opening, that beheld a magical place. There was green everywhere and floating specks resembling fireflies, making the place sparkle.
"Wow, so this is where you live."
        My mouth was practically open in awe. We kept walking until we reached a tree with a sign that said: "Link's house."
"You built a tree house?" I asked.
"More like I'm fixing up an old tree house that was already mine."
He tied Epona to a column and we both climbed up a ladder and onto a deck. He opened the curtains to his home, which was surprisingly cozy looking.
    "I intend to make those curtains a door one day," he said as he ushered me inside.
Next to the entrance was a wooden basin and circular mirror. On the far left there was a wooden table with stump chairs, and on the right was a couch carved out of log. Straight ahead was a window, and on the right of that was a fireplace in process being stoned. At the upper left of the window was was a small loft with a chest and large bed.
"As you can see, I've spent the day trying making my humble abode comfortable."
"No-it's really nice in here. Did you do all of this alone?"
               "Nope. I hired a couple of carpenters to make the loft and craft the couch, while I worked on the fire place. They left about an hour before you came. I had a good savings from my journey, I figured I would use it to make a stable home."
He made his way toward the table and chairs and said:
                "Do you want to join me?"
"Yes-but tell me about this place," I said as I sat across from him.
         He looked up at me as he unwrapped the bread covering saying, "What do you want to know?"
"Is it only you here?"
                    "Then why are there other treehouses?"
"Those belonged to the Kakori, who were children that never grew up. But when I got back from my journey, no one was to be found..."
He slowly reached for the milk and took a gulp of it.
"Where's the giant tree that raised you?" I asked, grabbing a piece of bread.
"Im not so sure myself. Near the waterfall there use to be an entrance that lead to him, but now it's sealed. You probably didn't think something use to be there."
"I didn't," I said sliding the milk towards me.
"Umph," He exhaled, "Thank you for this."
"No problem."
        "Do you want to help me line the hearth?"
I helped Link stone the hearth until dark. We managed to complete it, but he still had to line the rest of the interior.
           "This looks good," he said proudly slapping the stone.
              "What's the first thing your going to cook when it's done?"
             "I actually don't know how to cook, I was hoping you would."
            I gave him a side eye:
             "I didn't say that because you're a woman-I was just hoping you would be around, and would want t-"
               "Link it's okay," I giggled, as his facial expression relaxed.
       "In plus, you have a good bake oven so why wouldn't I want too," I said looking out the window.
          "I could take you home, if you'd like."
            "You can, thank you."
           When we arrived at Kakariko, he helped me off of Epona.
"You can take Epona tonight, that way you'll get home quicker."
"Thank you, Malon."
"See yuh tomorrow," I said watching him mount back on Epona. Before leaving Kakoriko he looked back at me and smiled. As I laid in my bed that night I thought of him.
He was hoping that I'd be around him...

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