A wish come true

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Malon POV:
It was well into the night and I should have been in bed, but I couldn't sleep. So I decided that I would observe the village from the steps of the windmill, soaking in the moonlight.
The village was at peace, and the only thing that could be heard were crickets and cuckoos Clucking. I closed my eyes and started humming my Mother's song to myself.
It had actually been a while since I even acknowledged it. As the song was drawing to an end, I heard a faint noise and I stopped humming.
I listened closely until I was able to Identify that it was a horse's hooves. It was really late, and every horse in the village was in their stables. I considered running to our home, just in case it were someone dangerous.
But instead I froze on the steps as my heart started to race. The sound got closer and closer until a figure on a horse came into view.
Suddenly I built up enough courage to run, making plans to scream as loud as I could if that back fired.
The voice was unrecognizable but the fact that they knew my name threw me off, and I stopped to look. It was a man, but he wasn't old. He was wearing a black cloak that covered his body, with his face being the only thing exposed. His eyes were a deep blue and his jaw was chiseled.
When the man removed his cloak revealing his blond hair and green tunic, he asked:
"Don't you remember me...well, us?" motioning between him and the familiar looking horse. I took a closer look at him and the horse and I knew exactly they were.
" Link..."
My feet lost its balance and I fell to the ground and started sobbing. Link got off Epona and walked toward me.
Through my sobbing I heard him mumble: "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," as he kneeled beside me.
My mood then rapidly changed and I shoved him away from me, yelling and pointing my finger at him. He fell on his back completely in shock by my sudden move.
" NO! YOUUU! I've waited so long for YOU to come! Do you know how many times I've wondered if you were ok?!Or even alive?! There was a battle, and everything was just horrible!"
Angry tears were pouring down my face, and from the windows I could see people peeking out at the scene.
He picked himself up and said: " I can explain, let's just sit down and I'll start from the beginning," with his hands out in-front of him.
"Let me put Epona away first," I said snappily. "I'll meet you at the steps of my house right there."
Settling Epona in a stable allowed me to recollect my thoughts. I was happy to see her, yet sad that I didn't see her grow into the beautiful mare she is. I gave her plenty of harvested carrots to snack on, then made my way towards the person I at the moment resented, yet loved.
"Before you begin, I just want to apologize for the way I've acted," I began, standing before him."I just overcame with emotion and with everything that happened, I just took it out on you," I sat down next to him on the step.
"It's fine. I need to do a bit of that myself," He said with a weak grin.
I started to worry that he had been through a lot, and that my outburst didn't make things any better. I was silent because I didn't want to say the wrong thing, so he said something for me:
"The day I left, I didn't tell you the full truth. I was leaving to find a friend named Navi -but it was also because I was sent away by Princess Zelda..."
From there, he explained how he had an item that if Ganondorf got to, would lead to him destroying Hyrule. So he had to travel far away with it, and on the way searched for a fairy he once had.
He then told me about how he stubbled into a place called Clock Town in Termina, where had to save its people in three days or else the world would end.
"...The rest of the time I spent trying to find my friend again, until I gave up."
When he turned to face me, I realized he had been shedding silent tears.
"Link...," I said wiping a tear away with my thumb, "I'm so sorry."
I gave him a hug that I hoped would cure all his trauma; one he needed.
I thought back to when we were kids and how he use to tell me about all his adventures.
At the time I thought it was cool, but now I thought it was scary. Scary enough to wonder how he was able to carry himself so highly. Link is a strong man for everything he has been through.
          "Thank you for the oatmeal biscuits by the way," He muffled into my shoulder.
           "Oh-your welcome," I chuckled.
We hugged for a long time, and when we broke apart he asked:
"What exactly happened to you?"
After hearing his side of the story, I almost didn't want to tell him mine.
" Well...I've spent most of my time thinking of you...and Epona. when I was young, I'd look at the sky and pray that I'd hear galloping hooves, or your voice. I've really really missed you Link, I thought you left me forever." I felt my eyes becoming glossy and decided to blink away the upcoming tears.
"Are you ok?" He asked, laughing a little.
"Yeah-I'm just trying not to cry."
In a moment it got silent and we were both just looking at each other. He had rich features and was extremely attractive, and as he looked at me I wondered what he was thinking.
"Well I should probably get to bed, you are welcome to come with me-I wouldn't want you to travel around this late, there are still a few roaming monsters."
"Thank you," He replied and followed behind me into my house.
Link POV:
As I followed Malon into her family's new home, I thought about how she had thought of me all this time. I got the impression that when I returned people who knew me would have forgotten about me. Malon had also changed. Although I've seen the adult her before, this time around I actually got a good look at her; she is gorgeous.
I noticed the yellow scarf she had around her neck that had a bronze brooch attached to it.
"I like your brooch," I said trying to break the silence.
"Thank you, It was my Mother's," she said now walking backwards, "My Father gave it to me, today, for my 17th birth-Ah!"
She fell on her butt and I couldn't help but laugh:
   "I see your clumsiness hadn't left," I teased while extending my hand.
"Yup, still clumsy."
"Thank you,"she said flashing me a small smile as I lifted her up. I could see her face turning red as she tried to avoid eye contact with me.
Malon POV:
Once I lead him to my room, I looked in the mirror by the door and looking back at me was a tear stained face. I washed my face using a bowl of water and rag that was on my dresser, and put my hair into a braid. When I turned around Link was on the floor getting ready to sleep.
"Link, you are more than welcome to take the bed, I've slept on it enough and I'm sure your body is weary."
"Thank you, but this is your room."
"And I am giving you permission to sleep on the bed."
"I wouldn't want you to sleep on the floor though," he said looking up at me.
"Why would I sleep on the floor? The bed is big enough for the both of us,"
"Are you sure?" He asked raising his brows.
          When Link use to stay over at the ranch, we would always sleep in my bed together. It was innocent because we were kids, but realizing that we were now young adults and had learned about things like sex, made the idea of sleeping in the same bed uncomfortable.
"Yes," I said turning my head slightly in an attempt to hide my reddening cheeks.
He gave me a small smile before making his way to the bed.
His hair is so smooth looking...he's really gonna get ALL the ladies, I thought as I grabbed my night gown. When I came back in from the bathroom he seemed fast asleep.
I went to the opposite side of the bed, and stiffly laid next to him. I kept looking at him from the corner of my eye until I thought,
'What am I doing? He's my friend,' and forced myself to face him.
He looked angelic in his sleep. His deep blue eyes were concealed by the curtains of his eyelids, and his hair fell slightly across his face.
Goodnight Link, I said in my head.
As I closed by eyes I heard him say,
"Happy birthday, Malon."
I reopened my eyes to find him peaking at me with a warm smile.
"Thank you...and happy belated-birthday to you too," I said smiling back at him...

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