Chapter 13

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Keith paced by the door of the cell Teal was stood in. All he could think about was how lance would be awake soon, and that's all that mattered.

"Keith, please! We can save you and Lance! You do t have to answer to Haggar anymore! Pidge and I-" Keith cut her off with a growl.

"You do not speak of him! You, nor the rest of the paladins are worthy of saying his name! Not after what you've done!" he spat, baring his teeth at the red paladin.

"What i've done?! I didn't do anything to you! Nor Lance! she growled back, starting to forget the whole 'get Keith on the right side again' plan.

"Oh bad. Must've slipped my mind that you're the one who replaced me, and not him. Allura did that. And I'll tell you something, you should leave Voltron. Stay out of the war. The paladins are as great and trustworthy as you think. They dragged you into this mess. So I think you should get yourself out of it." He said in a more, tales tone.

"Hat do you mean?" she asked curiously.

he poke into the com that was in his ear, pressing a button that turned on the mic. I'm taking prisoner 275 from sector 7, cell 23 with me to the control room" There was a moment of silence, filled with static before someone spoke. "Copy that Yorak, vrepit sa."

"Vrepit sa" Keith responded before walking up to the cell door, unlocking it with us galra hand, walking towards Teal he spoke "follow me." He stretched out his hand for her to take.

And, she took it, wanting to know more about hi the paladins aren't trust worthy, and all that jizz.

Once they were in the control room he loaded the footage of Hunk coming in, cutting off Lances' supply of quintessence wich was keeping him alive, then leaving.

This was a varga before the Balmera attack.

"w-why would he- what? I thought they were best friends!" Teal exclaimed.

"As did I...but like I said, they aren't trustworthy, they didn't want me, or Lance on the team, so they got rid of us."

Teal sank down onto the floor, her eyes wide with shock "b- I thought the Galra were the bad guys! Destroying planets..all that stuff!"

Keith nodded "Yes, we're the bad ones here. Just...Voltron doesn't know how to be good guys. They just know how to manipulate people, into believing what they want them to." Keith responses, his expression stoic.

"How can I help...?"



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