Chapter 4

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--Keith POV--

My vision was blurry as I got dragged away by who I could assume was Lotor or a guard/soldier. But I could just make out what appeared to be Haggar zapping some black, or is it purple magic, my vision is too blurry to tell, into Lance.

"-eith! Keith! KEITH!!" I woke up to someone shaking me, crying, begging me to wake up. Screaming my name. Tears staining their cheeks.

My vision was still fuzzy from just waking up so I couldn't make out who the figure was. But their voice was familiar, in a confusing way.

"Lance...? LANCE!" I yelled sitting up almost immediately "Y-you're alive! I-It worked! Haggar healed you!" I held him close not wanting to let go.

"w-wait..." Lance shuffled away from the hug a bit "Wh-what do you mean 'you're alive'?" he looked scared, like I just tole him that he had cancer. "y-you died..."

He had tears in his eyes, the once ocean nlue ones, a now grey-ish color.

"I-I died..?" Lance looked at me in horror as I nodded shyly. "Yo-you don't remember?" I asked as I placed my hand on his cheek to wipe away his tears.

he shook his head leaning into the touch as his whole body trembled. "H-how did it happen, how did I die..?" her asked nervously but curiously as he looked at me. "Are-are you sure you want to know?" I asked double checking.

He nodded eager to find out how he died, and who killed him, if anyone killed him.

I took a shaky breath as I looked into the Cubans eyes as he made a small nodding motion with his head. "we-we were sent on a mission to place a bomb in a galra ship and destroy it. Shiro sent me, you, Pidge and Hunk-"

I stopped myself taking a shaky breath looking at the floor clears atarting to cloud my vision wiping them away before continuing.

"I-It was sup-pposed to be a s-s-simple in a-and out situation.." I strugged to talk through all the sobs and hiccups "y-you tried to ge-get Shiro to listen to this was a bad idea. B-But he wouldn't. H-He wouldn't listen..." I trailed off choking on my sobs and hiccups before wiping my eyes continuing.

"Th-then when we were placing the b-bomb, we got surrounded.. we-we barely made it out. B-By the time we got to Hunk and Pidge the bomb went off...a-and they left us," I continued to cry for a few seconds before looking up at Lance, wjo had completly frozen in shock.

"th-they abandoned us...we-we were out in space for what seemed to be 3 days...a-and you kept crying and having panic and anxiety attacks...wich made your oxygen run out faster....L-Lance I'm s-s-so sor-rry..!" I sobbed as he pulled me into what seemed to be a hug, the both of us crying.

"wh-why did you let me die..?" His voice was quiet but hoarse, the words hit me hard.

"wh- Lance y-you know I'd n-never ever let you die" I said cupping his cheeks with my hands wiping away his tears "th-then who did..?" I widened my eyes, thinking about it for a second before Lance started talking again

"w-was it them? Wa-as it Voltron? Like you said..They abandoned us. Shiro wouldn't listen to me...maybe that was a fake mission to get rid of us? The half galra, and the...stupid..useless...7th wheel..." I softened my expression as I looked at him, making eye contact as I took in what he said.

"y-you're are t-to blame. Sh-Shiro knew the risk.. H-he just wanted us gone...they all did.." I looked down as I spoke. Lance was soon as they found out I was half Galra then all spaced away from me..even Shiro.

Lance started to shake and hyperventilate digging his nails into my skin drawing blood "L-Lance?!" I held him close tears forming in my eyes

He looked up at me still shaking "K-Keith...I-I don't want to be dead...I-I wan't to live-" He cried out as he held onto me, and as I held him.

"I-I will do whatever it takes- I will save you, I-I promise!" I cried as I held him as he started to go limp

"I-I love you Keith.." Lance chocked out before going limp, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.

"I love you kitten," I placed a kiss on his forehead before jolting up gasping for air.

I looked around to see I was in some sort of room, or cell.

It was just a dream...

But that doesn't mean it wasn't true.


Okay! Sorry this chapter was sloppy, I wrote it whilst I was at school. Anyways~

Hope you enjoyed this shitty chapter.


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