Chapter 7

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wattpad deleted the progress for the first half. Basically Keith talkes with Zarkon etc and learnt that Keith is Krolias' son ;) Anyways, enjoyy~

Keith walked out of the main room where Zarkon and Haggar stood. Zarkon turned towards thw witch and gave her a look "are you sure we can trust him? He is a paladin after all. He's most likely trying to get information." he growled at the thought, but soon got interrupted by the witch "My emporer, as much as I do not trust the paladins...we have something of his. We know his secret." Zarlon gave her a confused look "what do you mean Witch? Speak!"

she gave him a cold look before continuing "We have blue, currently im healing him, once he's healed he will join us aswell. Red or should I say....Yorak over there cares for the blue one dearly. If anything were to happy to...poor little blue..I think he would go mad. For they have a...connection. Red would do anything for Blue, as would Blue for Red." Zarkon gave a knowing but confused look as she continued "Aparentally Voltron threw them out, it's their fault that Blue is almost dead...once Blue and Red are..propper soldiers we'll give voltron a call with our new trophies on display. Our soon to be obediant and broken trophies."

Zarkon let out something that seemed like a chuckle as he shooed Haggar away going back to his throne.

Haggar dissapeared out of the room in search for her son. He didn't like to think of her as his mother, but she didn't care. She...loved him? It didn't matter. Lotor well never see haggar that way.


Keith made his way over to where Lance lay. He was on a Grey table with people tubes fired with quintessence flowing through them. Yes... it may be.. changing him. But, Keith would rather Lance be corrupted alive and his boyfriend, rather than him being dead. Yes it may be selfish, but Keith couldn't say goodbye to Lance.. he lives him to much to let him go.

Haggar mentioned some stuff effects, such as: PTSD it should only last the first few weeks die to trauma. Lashing out, the quintessence will show his true intentions and.. sometimes those intentions sent the best. And he will be like a mind slave to Haggar. Broken. As will Keith.

The half breed walked into the room walking up to where Lance lay. He went down on his knees and rested his hands ontop of one of Lances' s his eyes started to go red and puffy small hiccups escaping his mouth.

"D-Don't worry Lance, you'll be okay soon, me and you can be happy together. I-I'll fight in this dumb war if it will save you, do everything in my power to make sure that voltron pays for doing this to you. And if I don't succeed before you're awake, then we'll do it together. Me and you. Against the world. I've even joined Zarkon to save you... he had the same intentions y'know? To destroy voltron. You may not understand at first... but trust me, sometimes you gotta do the wrong thing to do the right thing."

he gave lance a small kiss on the forehead, looking at him one more time before walking out the room to be greeted by the long harried half breed. Lotor. He looked asif he had something important to say so I waited for him to speak "Ah Red, there you are! I've been looking for you," he grinned before continuing

"We need to start training as soon as possible. To get you back in shape." he said with a firm voice "Oh! Forgot to mention, it must've... slipped my mind. But, Little blue should be out in a month or two." he said with a cherry voice clapping his hands once or twice

Keith's eyes widened as he took in what Lotor said. "So.. whilst he's still healing, I think you should sharpen up so you can help me shape him up once he's all healed." Keith nodded in response before speaking "so.. when do we start?"

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