Chapter 3

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I was about to give up and take my helmet off, I can't just sit here with Lances body...I just can't.. I was supposed to protect him, keep him safe...but I can't and I couldn't..!!" I yelled atmyself as I got ready for the oxygen to exit my lungs.

but it never did, instead I got a feeling like I was being dragged.

I saw myself drift away from Lance as I grabbed his hand pulling him towards me again,

'I'm not letting his body just drift out in space for some monster to eat.' I growled at the thought as I suddenly hit a cold floor. Somewhat similar to The Castle of Lions floor. But only, Grey, with purple lights.

'It seemed..familiar, I like it.' I thought as I looked around a bit. Unlike the castles annoying bright colors, these are nice gloomy ones,


fuck. This is a galra ship, Haggars probably gonna torture me and make some weird robot out of...Lance. NO! She's not! I wont let them near him!

Just as I thought that galra soldiers came and tried to take Lance from me...I'm not having any of that bullshit.

I started growling my eyes glowing some sort of yellow, my pupils going into small slits as I held Lances' body close to me possesively.

He just backed up as I stood up holding Lances body. They can take me wherever but I'm not leaving Lances' side.

"Take me wherever. But I'm not leaving him." I growled as he nodded and motioned his hand in a 'this way' gesture. Leading me to the witch herself.

When I got into the roombthe door shut behind me as the soldier walked away going back to his post.

the witch turned around and looked at me "Red paladin. I see we meet again, I wish it was under...better circumstances(Not sure if that's the right word but oh well :\)" her voice hissed as she walked towards me.

I growled holding Lance tighter my eyes still yellow, and pupils still in slits as I glared daggers at her.

"I can help your friend," she spoke, her voice was cold but convincing. Like- you can't blame me...ahe is a witch and has magic, so of corse she can heal Lance.

I widened my eyes a bit as she gave me a creepily reassuring look. "Like how Allura healed him when she let him die because she wasn't paying attention to the mission. But he ended up getting scolded because of her mess up." she spoke again walking to a table gesturing her hand to me then to the table.

I simply walked over to her as she looked at me "Place him on the table, I will need to see what caused his death, details like that."

"No oxygen.." my voice was quiet and scratchy "w-we got abandoned. He kept having panic attacks and he eventually lost oxygen.." I dodn't know why I was telling her this. She's the enemy. But then again...Voltron was my team and they abandoned me and left at the sight of danger...

she nodded "But, I'm not going to just heal him. You will have to do something for me" Of corse...

"w-what do I have to do? Massage your feet? Be your sla-" She cut me off by speaking

"Join me in conquering the universe and destroying voltron." Wh-what? I-I can't...I can't just betray them...destoying planets? Imprisoning civilizations? that-that's not me!

I looked at her in shock before she trails a finger down Lances' jaw " could just say a permanent goodbye to little ol' blue"

I widened my eyes as she drew blood from Lances chin, Lance...the only person that actually ever cared about me, I-I can't just let him die in vain, I have a chance to get him back...and I'm taking it.

"F-FINE! fine...I'll do it....but please heal him" I pleaded as she nodded. "I'll have my son put you in shape. And as for little blue...I can only do so much at a time. I'll have to do sessions on healing him since he's been dead for a while."

her words rang around my head before I nodded knowingly "w-wait. By son do you mean-" she cut me off again

"Lotor yes, I'm his mother." she spoke in an almost sweet voice this time.

I looked at her in shock before she spoke "You're a broken soldier. We need to shape you up again. You must be broken twice." She said with an evil tone in her voice.

Before I could respond something hit me round the head sending me unconcious.

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