Black Refraction (POEM)

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*An untimed write while listening to Black Refraction (a song by Tim Hecker). No prompt, except the music.*

I'm in a cave--a dark, dark cave.
I can't feel myself. I can't.
However numb the ground grows,
However charred my hands are from the flaking black,
I see a small light at the end,
And it's blue--a soft, soft,
Dark, dark, blue, and it's swinging
Ever so gently, like the call of an under-nymph
Or like the hum of a creature who has seen all
There is with its white lamps.
It's like--like the pull of a songbird
With its wings ensnared by twine--
A blurred attempt to leap and release,
To leave this light-forsaken cave, until
The bird rises above the tantalizing earth
That grips and lures and cheats it from the
Fantasy that abounds all around, yet never is seen
By the purposeless entity that writhes in knee-deep
Water, against the chafing stone.

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